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Articles from December 2015

District Prepares for 2015 Kindergarten Welcome Events

Preparing for kindergarten is an exciting time for children and parents alike. To help ease the transition, schools in the Dubuque Community School District are holding a series of Kindergarten Welcome Events to allow students and families get acquainted with their school and its staff in preparation for the 2015-16 school year.

At the welcome event, attendees will meet the school’s kindergarten teachers, the school principal and other school staff. There will be an overview of the school as well as overview of the registration process.

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Free Four-Year-Old Preschool Registration Begins Monday, Feb. 2

Registration for free four-year-old preschool in the Dubuque Community School District will begin on Monday, Feb. 2. This includes Dubuque’s 11 public schools offering preschool through the Statewide Voluntary Free Preschool Program.

Parents and guardians may register students in person at the selected site, beginning when that site’s office opens on February 2. Proof-of-age, preferably a birth certificate, is required to register a student. A passport or signed immunization record will be accepted if necessary.

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District Releases Proposed 2015-16 School Calendar

The Dubuque Community School District has released its proposed calendar for the 2015-16 school year.

The first full day of school in the proposed calendar is September 1, with orientation programs being held on August 31. Given this start date, the last scheduled day of classes is June 6.

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