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Return-to-Learn Plan and Feedback Survey

Dear DCSD Families and Staff,

Today, I am pleased to share the first version of the Dubuque Community School District’s Return-to-Learn Plan with you. This document represents months of work by a variety of groups, all focused on preparing for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.

The plan is intended to provide an overview of the three educational delivery scenarios that we are prepared for as a district:

  • Fully in-person education
  • Fully online education
  • Hybrid education, delivered as a combination of in-person and online education

The plan also outlines the health and safety measures that will be put in place to deliver in-person learning.


I emphasize that it is the first version of the Return-to-Learn Plan because as the COVID-19 situation continues to progress, and as our district team continues to prepare for the beginning of the school year, this plan and its many components will continue to evolve and change.

At the same time, we believe that it is important for us to share our current plan and invite your feedback. We hope you will take a few moments to complete our Return-to-Learn survey, which we will use to inform the continued development of our plan.

(Please complete this survey no later than Wednesday, July 8)

As always, be assured that the safety and well-being of our students and staff is always at the forefront of our planning. There is much work to do over the next six weeks, and we know that much is likely to change in the world around us. At the same time, we look forward to welcoming our students back to school and we appreciate the tremendous amount of support you provide to our students and the district.

Stan Rheingans


IMPORTANT Graduation Information

We are excited to celebrate with the Class of 2020 at graduation TOMORROW, Saturday, June 27.

As a reminder:

Hempstead High School’s ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. (with doors opening at 9:30 a.m.)
Dubuque Senior High School’s ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. (with doors opening at 2:30 p.m.)


  • Please be sure to wear your tickets on lanyards so they can be easily seen.
  • If you have not picked-up your tickets during one of your school’s designated times, they will be available for pick-up beginning when the doors open for each ceremony at the Dalzell Field ticket office, located outside the East Gate.

Be sure to read the complete GRADUATION 2020 SAFETY PROTOCOLS shared by email and available online at

We also ask that you pay particular attention to the following:


  • GRADUATES: Graduates should enter Dalzell Field through the South Entrance near the locker rooms.
    • They will be ushered directly to their seat on the field, which will be marked with their name.
  • GUESTS: Guests may enter Dalzell Field through the East, West and Visitor Gates, while observing social distancing guidelines.
    • Seating will be available in the home and visitor sections, as well as on the field level. PLEASE NOTE: The temperature at the field level is significantly hotter than in the bleacher sections. Please take this into account when selecting seats.
    • Guests of a graduate are expected to sit together in the same four-seat section.
    • Please notify an usher if you need accessible seating.
    • Bleacher seats marked with dots are AVAILABLE to sit in. Those marked off with black tape are NOT AVAILABLE to use.


  • Photography will only be allowed from guest seats.
  • Guests WILL NOT be allowed to move to the stage to take photos.
  • Each graduate will receive a high-resolution, printable professional photo at NO COST to the student.


  • Water fountains will NOT be available during the event.
  • Graduates and guests are encouraged to bring their own water.


Again, we ask that you review the full GRADUATION 2020 SAFETY PROTOCOLS. Thanks in advance for your cooperation in following the safety guidelines developed for this event.


June 12 – Graduation Update

We are excited to celebrate the Class of 2020 at graduation in a few short weeks!

Graduation is scheduled for Saturday, June 27.
If there is inclement weather that prohibits the event to happen as scheduled, the rain date will be Sunday, June 28.

Hempstead High School’s ceremony will begin at 10 a.m.
Dubuque Senior High School’s ceremony will begin at 3 p.m.

READ FULL EVENT DETAILS IN THE GRADUATION SAFETY PLAN, developed following consultation with the City of Dubuque Public Health Department.

Each graduate will receive four (4) tickets for guests to attend. Ticket pick-up for graduates will be held the week of June 22. WATCH FOR INFORMATION DIRECTLY FROM YOUR SCHOOL REGARDING PICK-UP TIMES AND PROCESS.

Lange Named Director of Digital Literacy

The Dubuque Community School District is pleased to announce the appointment of Julie Lange as the district’s new director of digital literacy.

Julie lange

In this new role, Julie will work to ensure equitable curricular offerings and skills needed for instructional online delivery, provide support-teaching and guidance to faculty and students in the use of instructional hardware and software, and establish and lead best practices for educational content creation, delivery and organization. She will also coordinate the district’s assessment plan as well as Iowa Testing, ACT, FAST and other standardized tests.

“Julie is well-versed in the use of technology to support strong instructional practices,” said Superintendent Stan Rheingans. “Her expertise in this area, combined with her strong relationships across the district and her deep familiarity with our instructional practices, make her an excellent fit for this new position.”

Julie currently works at the district level as a teacher on special assignment overseeing elementary science, social studies and technology. Prior to this, she was the district’s lead elementary technology coach, technology integration coach at Kennedy Elementary School, and a teacher at both Kennedy and Lincoln Elementary School.

She holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education, as well as an instructional coach certificate from the University of Northern Iowa. In 2019, she completed her master of arts degree in educational leadership also from UNI.


Graduation Update

Dear Students and Families of the Class of 2020,

We are pleased to share that we plan to move forward with holding graduation on Saturday, June 27, at Dalzell Field, pending any significant changes to the COVID-19 situation in our area.

Hempstead’s graduation will be at 10 a.m. and Dubuque Senior’s will be at 3 p.m. Due to social distancing measures in place, each graduate will be limited to four (4) tickets for family members/friends, who will be required to sit together at the event.


While we know that limiting the number of tickets is not ideal, doing so will allow us to hold the celebration in person.

The event will also be live-streamed for family and friends unable to attend. Information about accessing the live stream will also be forthcoming.

Last week, the district met with public health officials to ensure that we are putting proper safety plans in place to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread. In accordance with public health guidelines, we suggest that older individuals and especially those with underlying health conditions not attend.

Complete safety protocols as well as door opening times and arrival procedures will be shared with families prior to the event. We understand that not everyone will feel comfortable attending the ceremony, and we respect that decision. We will still read the names of each graduate in the class of 2020 regardless of whether or not the student attends.

Again, additional details will follow. We are excited to celebrate the Class of 2020 in a few short weeks!

Stan Rheingans

UN EO: Bar Jeblaak in Jikuul/Melele ko kon Kolenta eo an Jikuul

Iakwe Baamle ko im Rijerbal ro,

Wiik in, Jej kobooj rijikuul ro nan aer etal in jamor. Ijellokin, jej wonmaanlok wot ilo jerbal kein ad ilo ad maanjapopo in karuwaineneik tok rijikuul ro ilo jinoin iio in jikuul in lal. Rainin, Ikonaan lewaj nan kom melele ko ikijen elmaakot eo nan ad Bar Rool tok Nan Jikuuul:

Ilo an ijino jikuul iio tok 2020-2021 tarrin wot 10 wiik jen kio, ej too wot nan ad likuun jela enaj ewi wewen jinoin iio in jikuul in lal. Ta eo jejla ej bwe jikuul kein rej maanjapopo nan lelok ta eo ekkar im emenin aikuj elane enaj baj lokan wot im bar wor menin kabanban ko renaj walok.
Einwot jikin jikuul, jenaj ejake lamlam ko renaj kabidodoik an wor jilu wewen kilen katakin ko ralikar im rej aikuj komman.:

  • Jikuul ilo Likieo in armej
  • Likuun Jikuul jen ettolok
  • Aolep kilen katakin kein, kommani jimor wewen katakin kein-jen ettolok im ilo likieo in armej.

Pedped wot ion ta eo enaj emman ilo tore en, jenaj maron bojak nan ad jela im kojerbal kelet eo emman tata einwot an kanuuj menin aikuj.

Kotobar eo ad imaan tata bwe en ijino jikuul ilo Okoj ilo an rijikuul im rikaki ro bar jeblaak tok nan ruum in jikuul ko aer, bar komourur jikuul juon alen.

Jej konaan bwe rijikuul ro aolep ren ipen don ilo iien eo emokaj tata ilo wewen eo emman elane jenaj maron!

Einwot ke ej kotobar eo ad in, rainin jaar kwalok elmaakot in ad nan Board eo an Jikuul bwe en kalolo ilo kolenta eo an jikuul bwe ran in jikuul eo imaan tata nan kilaaj K-12 en mokaj tok nan Bolaide, Okoj 14, im iien jino itok an an kilaaj Pre-K-5,6,im 9 enaj ilo Taije, Okoj 13.


Elmakot in ej kottar tok wot tobrak in ronjake eo an Board ilo naj Juun 8.

Kotobar eo ad kio ej nan kalonlok raan in an rijikuul ro itok nan jonan eo elap tata jemarone nan iio in lal, im jej lelok kamoolol nan rijerbal ro elap aer kate er im jerbal ipen don ilo district in, ra dik ko waj ad rej lap aer jerbal, im kamiti eo an rikaki ro rotijomlok, enin jej maron tobar kotobar kein ad.

Kolenta eo ekaal tata enaj ajeej waj nan baamle ko elikin wot an naj weppen jen Board eo an jikuul.

Emman im ejmuur eo an rijikuul im rijerbal ro ejja kotobar eo wot ad imaan im eaorok tata ilo jerbal kein ad. Ejab jomlok ad lale tok wewen im kokabiloklok ko jen federal, state im jen rijerbal ro an jikin ejmuur ikijen lamlam im komadmod ko ilo ad karuwaineneik tok rijikuul im rijerbal ro.
Jerbal kein remman renaj wonmanlok wot ilowan wiik kein rej bedo tok im jenaj wonmanlok wot ilo ad lewaj melele ko rellonlok ilowan jamor in elane renaj dedelok alikar tok.

Jokijooror in karuwaineneik tok rijikuul ro ilo aer bar rool tok ilo Okoj im jej kamoolol kon jerbal in jiban kein alikar im emmanlok wot ilo ad maanjapopo!

Ilo kautej,
Stan Rheingans
Superintendent of Schools

Return-to-Learn / School Calendar Update

Dear Families and Staff,

This week, we were scheduled to be sending students off for the summer. Instead, we continue our work in preparing to welcome students back in the fall. Today, I’d like to provide you with an update on our Return-to-Learn plans:

With the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year still 10 weeks away, it is too early to know exactly what the beginning of the school year will look like. What we do know is that the district will be prepared to provide required continuous learning should another disruption occur.

As a district, we will develop a model that allows us to have three required delivery options available:

  • Fully in-person education
  • Fully remote education
  • Hybrid education, delivered as a combination of in-person and remote education

Based on best practices at the time, we will be prepared to pivot in and out of these options as necessary.

Our primary goal is to prepare for learning to resume in August with students and teachers back in the classroom, bringing our schools to life once again.

We want our community of learners together in person as soon as it’s safe to do so!

With that as our goal, today we shared with the School Board a proposal to amend the 2020-2021 school calendar that includes moving the first day of classes for grades K-12 to FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, with orientation for grades Pre-K-5, 6 and 9 on THURSDAY, AUGUST 13.

Amended Calendar Graphic showing changes from approved to ammended 2020-2021 calendar


This proposal is pending Board approval following a public hearing at the June 8 Board meeting.

It was our goal to add as many student attendance days as possible for next year and, thanks to great teamwork and collaboration among the district, our many bargaining units, and the district teacher quality committee, we are able to do so.

A final calendar will be shared with families following official adoption by the School Board.

The safety of our students and staff continues to be at the forefront of our work. We continue to review best practices and recommendations from federal, state and local health officials regarding health and safety protocols for welcoming back students and staff.

These best practices will likely continue to evolve in upcoming weeks and we will continue to share additional details over the summer as they are finalized.

We cannot wait to welcome our students back in August and appreciate your ongoing support and flexibility as we prepare to do so!

Stan Rheingans
Superintendent of Schools

Enaan ko Rokaal kon Coronavirus: Mae 27, 2020

Erkein enaan ko rokaal tok jen Dubuque Community School District:

10 de wiik kio in an kein ekatak ko rar komman jen ro rotijomlok im rej lolorjake Jelalokjen walok ilo webpeij eo am.  Kein Ekatak kein Koboji tok nan wiik in + ewor Ikkure ko, Kilen Ejaak Jomdoon im Komadmode Aer im Inebata ko, im ebool Peba ko nan an Rijikuul ro Jerbali im Ekatak jeni.

Nan wot bar kakememej, Tiim in rijerbal ro ilo district in rar jerbal im likkuun kobobo kein ekatak kein bwe ren jejjet im emman nan aolep rijikuul ilo aolep kilaaj im ren ekkar nan jonan maron ko aer. Kein etaktak ko im rejab kalikar kilaaj ta kar kommani nane remaron bar jerbal nan ebool rijikuul ro jet – lele ijo jikin komleleik kilen kommani katak kein nan bok jiban nan an rijikuul eo maron melele im jela ta eo en kommane!

Enaj iwoj kein ekatak ko eliktata nan elementary nan iio in jikuul in.

Kein ekatak ko ilo peba maron ebbok ilo jikin ebbok mona ilo Bolaide, Mae 29 ran.

Ilo jomlokin lok iio in jikuul in, rijikuul in middle school im baamle ko aer renaj lo ripoot kaat ko im ewalok grade ko an jemejta ko jimor juon im ruo. Konke wewen im kilen ekatak elkin an kar bojrak jikuul ekar oktak lok, grade nan kilaaj ko ilowan allon ko jilu eliktata renaj kwalok “Ex” nan kakkolan excuse ak ear jab wor jomlokin bwe ebojrak jikuul.  

Baamle ko ewor aer kajitok remaron kajju kur lok jikuul ko aer.

Coronavirus Update: May 27, 2020

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

Week 10 of educational materials developed by the district’s Educational Support Team are now available on our EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES WEBPAGE. This week’s resources again include Suggested Learning Resources + Activities, a Social Emotional Learning Guide, and a variety of Student Handouts and Worksheets.

As a reminder, the district’s team has worked to be sure these resources meet the needs of learners across grade levels and of all abilities. Activities not marked with a specific grade level can be used by a wide range of students – look in the accommodations section of the resources for tips on making the learning accessible to your student!

This will be the final elementary educational resources packet for the school year. Printed copies of these packets will be available at meal delivery sites on Friday, May 29.

At the conclusion of the scheduled school year, middle school students and families will receive report cards that include grades for trimesters one and two. Because learning occurring after the school closure was ungraded, third trimester courses will show a grade of “Ex” to indicate that the class was excused due to the closure.

Families with additional questions can reach out to their school directly.