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Melele Ko Rokaal Kon Kadiwojlok

Einwot district, eikdelel am konan bukot juon iial nan an Kilaaj eo an 2020 emonono kon kadiwojlok ilo likieo in armej. Ilo an jet jikuul komman wot kamoolol bajjok, melele ko rej itok im komij ron kaki jen rijikuul im baamle ko aer rej kwalok aer likkuun konaan bwe en wor wot kadiwojlok mene enaj rumuj.

Ilo an alikar ke eban maron wor kadiwojlok ilo Mae 30 einwot an kar jikejuul, jej kojatdikdik bwe enaj bwe lok jidik wewen kein rej walok kio ilowan allon kane rej pedo tok im emaron wor jidik melaan ad koba ipen don eo im emaron letok iien emman nan ad kommani kadiwojlok ko.

Jej bareinwot melele ke an armej ebake don enaj wot juon menin kabanban. Bwe en tobrak menin, kotobar eo ad kio ej nan komman kadiwojlok inaboj ilo melan eo an district elap tata pelakin- Dalzell Field.

Ran in Kadwiwojlok ko
Nan jiban baamle ko ilo kommani karok ko aer, emoj am beek Jadede, Juun 27 ran bwe ej ran in kadiwojlok eo, ewor juon ran komij bar lomnake lok elane eban tobrak raan in imaan, Jedede, Julae 25 elane jejamin maron komman kadiwojlok ilo Juun. Jej kajitok bwe rikadiwojlok ro im baamle ko aer ren debij wot ran kein ilo kolonta ko aer.

Einwot an kar dedelok karoke, kadiwojlok eo an Hempstead enaj komman ilo 10 awa jibbon. Im Dububqe Senior enaj komman ilo 3 awa elkin raelep.

Karok ko nan kojbarok ejmuur rej wonmanlok wot im ewor ad kojatdikdik bwe jenaj maron kojbarok jonak ko nae kotolok armej jen don. Kajojo rikadiwojlok enaj wor wot jet aer tikot bedbed ion jonan jea im bunton ko nan kotolok armej jen don ilo iien kan. Ilo ad woj jab konaan bwe en jet wot renaj maron ped im ejab kotmane eo ad in, jej kate koj komman aolep jemaron nan kautej rikadiwojlok ro im komman bwe en bareinwot emman nan an baamle ko koba tok ilo iien kadiwojlok en.

Ilo an naj jad dik im koboob ijen, jej bareinwot komadmode jet bar karok ko nan an kadiwojlok kan maron naj diwojlok ilo mejatoto bwe ro jet uaan baamle ko ren maron alooji.

Kalimuur Ko Ad Nan Rikadiwojlok Ro
Rijikuul ro im baamle ko an Kilaan eo an 2020 enaj komman kadiwojlok kein ilo juon jokjok eo ejanin kar komman mokta lok. Ilo ad jab aibadbad, jej kotmane bwe kom jela ke aolepen rijerbal ro ilo Dubuque Community School District, ritel ro ilo high school kein jimor Dubuque Senior and Hempstead High School, im elon ro jet mottad ilo pelakin jukjukinped in rej jiban koj maanjabobo nan kautej jomlok in emoj ami tobare.

Ilo ad erre maan waj nan allon kane rej pedo tok, ejmuur im aenomman eo nan rijikuul ro im rijerbal ad renaj menin kotobar ko ilon tata ilo ad kommani bebe ko. Elap ad kojatdikdik bwe juon wot ian raan in kadiwojlok kein jej keleti enaj emman mene ej lap lok wot an jorren kein ikijen coronavirus walok tok. Ejja ilo iien in wot, jenaj lale tok wot jokjok kein im woran kein ilo aer alikar tok. Elane enaj ein juon im nana lok jokjok ko rej walok im bobrae an naj komman iien ipen don kein ilo ran kein jar antoni, jenaj lale wewen ko romman tata jemaron kommani kadiwojlok ko ilo tore kan.


Graduation Update: April 28

As a district, we are determined to find a way for the Class of 2020 to celebrate its graduation in person. While some districts are opting now to schedule virtual ceremonies, the feedback we have heard from students and families indicates that there continues to be a strong desire to have the celebration in person even if it is delayed.

While it will not be possible to have graduation on May 30 as scheduled, we are hopeful that as conditions evolve in the months ahead there may be some easing of restrictions on public gatherings that would allow us to hold a graduation ceremony.

We also know that significant physical distancing measures will still be needed. To accomplish this, our plan is to hold an outdoor ceremony in the district’s largest space – Dalzell Field.

Graduation Date
To assist families in planning, we have identified Saturday, June 27, as the target date to hold graduation, with a backup date of Saturday, July 25, if we are unable to gather in June. We ask that graduates and families please hold both of these dates in their calendar.

As originally scheduled, the Hempstead graduation will be at 10 a.m. and Dubuque Senior will be at 3 p.m.

Development of a full logistics and safety plan is underway and we are confident that we can safely follow physical distancing guidelines. Each graduate will be given a very limited, specified number of tickets based on seating capacity and physical distancing guidelines at the time. While limited attendance is not what anyone hoped for, we want to do everything we can to honor our graduates with a ceremony and provide families a safe space to join in the celebration.

Given the reduced-capacity setting, we are also working on plans to live stream the ceremony so additional family members may view it.

Our Commitment to Graduates
Students and families of the Class of 2020 will experience graduation under never-before-seen circumstances. While not ideal, we hope you know that the entire Dubuque Community School District, the administration and staff at both Dubuque Senior and Hempstead High Schools, and supporters throughout our community share in a commitment to honoring your accomplishments.

As we look to the months ahead, student and staff safety will continue to be at the forefront of our decision making. We remain hopeful that one of our selected graduation dates will be possible despite the constantly evolving coronavirus situation. At the same time, we will continue to monitor current data and projections. Should conditions significantly change or further prevent gatherings during our established dates, we will discuss alternate virtual options for graduation at that time.

Enaan ko Rokaal Tata an: Eprol 22, 2020

Erkein enaan ko rokaal tok jen Dubuque Community School District:

Einwot ami jela, jikuul kein rokab de kotlok iien emman nan an aolep rijikuul ro komman aer ekatak. Ekatak kein renaj wonmanwaj wot ilowan iion in jikuul in. Konke am bebe ekatak kein im rejab gradi, jej likkuun rojan rijikuul ro bwe ren wonmanlok wot im kommani ekatak kein jonan wot ami maron.
Ilo kilaaj ko an elementary, kilen katakin im peba ko rej jiban kwalok kilen katakin, kab katak ko rej diwoj waj ilo Seesaw ekoba kwelok ko rej komman kon zoom rej aolep nan an rijikuul ro boub ilo madjaki ekatak ko.

Ilo kilaaj ko an middle school im high school , ekatak ko rej ejaki im kadiwoji waj rej wonmanlok wot ilo an rijikuul ro loi im kommani katak ko ipen rikaki ro ilo elon wewen ko, einwot ekatak ko ilo Canvas, ekatak ko ilo pija ko rej jilkinwaj, im an rijikuul im rikaki tobar don ilo aer zoom.

Jej rojan rijikuul ro am bwe komin wonmanlok wot ilo jerbal ko remman im jab bojrak ami komman ekatak ko ilo jabdewot wewen jonan wot ami maron.

Kon kojjela eo an Kobna nan an bojrak jikuul ilo aolepen iio in jikuul in, komij bareinwot kio jerbal nan lale naj ewi wewen kommani grade ko, elaptata ilo high school.

Grade ko an AOLEP RIJIKUUL IN HIGH SCHOOL rej jab oktak jen kar ko ilo Maaj 13, mokta wot jen kar spring break eo. Enaj an rijikuul ro bebe ikijen ta rej kelete kon grade ko aer:

Elap an aorok grade ko an kilaaj jonoulruo ro rej kadiwojlok im ejab jomlok am kate kom bwe aolep rijikuul ro ren maron tobrak im kadiwojlok. Jikuul enaj kajjeon tobar rijikuul ro im baamle ko aer nan etale im komakut jabdewot kabanban ko rejeltok imaan.

Kilaaj jonoulruo ro remaron kelet bwe ren:

  • Debij wot grade ko kar aer ilo kar Maaj 13
    • Elane kelet eo in, ejjelok men en rijikuul eo ej aikuj bar kommane.
  • Kate jerbal nan kokmanmanlok grade eo
    • Nan kommane wewen in, rijikuul eo enaj aikuj jerbal ebake rikaki eo an kilaaj eo bwe en kommani aolep jerbal ko rejanin kar dedelok, bar kommani katak ko rar dedelok im emoj aer kar kakureti mokta jen an kar bojrak jikuul, ak bar bok teej ko.
    • Rijikuul ro grade ko aer renana lok jen jonan eo rar konaan (nan wanjonak, juon rijikuul eo ear komman B im ekonaan kokmanmane lok nan A) emaron bar kate nan kokmanmanlok grade eo an im bar jilkinlok jerbal eo enaj binej lok jerbal eo ekar komman mokta jen kar Maaj13.
    • Kilaaj jonoulruo ro ewor ami iien lok nan May 15 nan kokmanmanlok grade ko ami.
    • Kilaaj jonoulruo ro im ejab bwe grade ko aer ewor aer iien kokmanmani lok nan May 15 nan kajjeon lilontak nan 60% ak emman lok nan aer tobar passing grade(D-) ak emman lok.
  • Ne kwoj kelet bwe en iwoj am grade ak ejjelok grade
    • Rijikuul ro remaron kajitok bwe en oktak kilaaj eo aer nan credit(C)/ak ejjelok credit (NC) mokta jen May 15. Jikuul enaj bar ijilok waj komlele ko ikijen wewen ami kommani kelet ko ami ilo wewen in.
    • Kelet ko an rijikuul ikijen kilaaj ko aer nan an wor aerC/NC rejab jelet grade-point-average ak jonan total in aolep grade ko ear tobari, botab enaj wor aer credit nan kilaaj eo ear boke elane etobar 60% emman lok.
    • MELELE EAOROK: Rijikuul ro rej lomnak in wonman lok wot nan college rej aikuj kebak nan bok melele ipen jikuul eo rej lomnak in delone nan aer jela ewi wewen aer naj maron kommani grade ko pedped ion jonan maron ekatak ko aer. Rijikuul ro rej lomnak bwe renaj ikkure ilo ped im jikuul ilo college kom maron bareinwot konaan lale melele kein jen NCAA Clearninghouse im bareinwot NAIA Eligibility Center.

Rijikuul ro ilo 9-11 remaron kelet:

  • Debij wot grade eo aer ilo kar Maaj 13
    • Elane kelet eo aer in, ejjelok men en rijikuul eo ej aikuj bar kommane.
  • Kokmanman lok grade eo
    • Nan kommane wewen in, rijikuul eo enaj aikuj jerbal ebake rikaki eo an kilaaj eo bwe en kommani aolep jerbal ko rejanin kar dedelok, bar kommani katak ko rar dedelok im emoj aer kar kakureti mokta jen an kar bojrak jikuul, ak bar bok teej ko.
    • Rijikuul ro grade ko aer renana lok jen jonan eo rar konaan (nan wanjonak, juon rijikuul eo ear komman B im ekonaan kokmanmane lok nan A) emaron bar kate nan kokmanmanlok grade eo an im bar jilkinlok jerbal eo enaj binej lok jerbal eo ekar komman mokta jen kar Maaj13.
    • Rijikuul ro ilo kilaaj 9-11 ewor aeer iien maanlok nan Juun 1 nan kokmanmanlok grade ko aer.
    • Rijikuul ro ilo kilaaj 9-11 im ejab emman grade ko aer ewor aer iien kokmanmani man waj nan Juun 1 nan kotobar 60% ak emman lok im maron tobar jonan eo ilal tata (D-) ak emman lok.
    • Emaron etal jabikbik/Likjab (INC) nan rijikuul ro ilo kilaaj 9-11, elane grade eo ej komman ekkar nan jonan maron an rijikuul eo, INC enaj aikuj komman mokta jen Juun 1, enaj bar aitok lok jidik iien nan jiban.
    • Rijikuul ro rej kelet bwe en etal nan er Incomplete, edelon rijikuul ro ewor aer (IEP) Individualized Education Programs, ro rej ekatak kajin English ak kilaaj ko an ELL , ak ro ewor aban kon an ejjelok aer internet, nan aer jerbal in kate er bwe en emman lok grade eo aer ilo naj jinoin iio in jikuul in lal ak Fall 2020.
  • Elane ej kelet bwe en wor an Credit ak bwe en ejjelok an Credit
    • Rijikuul ro remaron kajitok bwe en etal nan er credit (C)/ejjelok credit (NC) nan kilaaj eo mokta jen Juun 1. Jikuul ko renaj bar elle waj komlele ko ikijen wewen ami kommani jokelet ko.
    • Kelet ko an rijikuul ikijen kilaaj ko aer nan an wor aerC/NC rejab jelet grade-point-average ak jonan total in aolep grade ko ear tobari, botab enaj wor aer credit nan kilaaj eo ear boke elane etobar 60% emman lok.
    • MELELE EAOROK: Rijikuul ro rej lomnak in wonman lok wot nan college rej aikuj kebak nan bok melele ipen jikuul eo rej lomnak in delone nan aer jela ewi wewen aer naj maron kommani grade ko pedped ion jonan maron ekatak ko aer. Rijikuul ro rej lomnak bwe renaj ikkure ilo ped im jikuul ilo college kom maron bareinwot konaan lale melele kein jen NCAA Clearninghouse im bareinwot NAIA Eligibility Center.

Wiik 5 kio in an walok kein jiban komman ekatak kein kar ejaki jen Rijerbal ro Rotijomlok ilo Ra eo an Jelalokjen im rej kio walok ilo webpeij eo am EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES WEBPAGE. Kein ekatak ko an wiik in ewor kilen katakin ko elmokti tok + Ikkure ko, im kilen ejaak jomdoon, im ebar bool Peba ko Rijikuul ro remaron Madjaki im Ekatak jeni.

Nan wot kakememej, rijerbal ro ilo jikuul kein rar jerbal ipen don nan lale bwe kein katakin kein ren emman nan aolep ro rej ekatak jeni ilo aolep kilaaj im kon jonan aer maron kom ko aer. Kein ekatak ko rej jab maron jerbal ilo jabdewot kilaaj inem remaron naj jerbal nan elon rijikuul ro jet-lale ilo jikin komlele eo ilo kein katakin ko nan kilen kojerbali im bwe en bidodo nan rijikuul eo nejum!

Elane eben am kojerbali kein jiban katakin kein ak ewor am jabdewot kajitok ko kajjeon tobar rikaki ak rikaki ro an ajiri eo nejum, ilo email ak Seesaw nan aer jiban eok.

Kein ekatak kein remaron iwoj ilo peba im maron ajeji ilo jikin ebbok mona ko ilo Bolaide, Eprol 24 ran.

Coronavirus Update: April 22, 2020

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

As you know, the district continues to provide learning opportunities for all students. These learning opportunities will continue through the remainder of the scheduled school year. While voluntary and not graded, we strongly encourage students to continue engaging in these opportunities as much as possible.

At the elementary school level, resource and handout packets, Seesaw learning activities and even classroom Zoom meetings are keeping students connected to learning.

At the middle school and high school levels, teacher-guided learning continues with students receiving lessons from teachers in many ways, including through Canvas, video lessons, and teachers and students connecting via Zoom.

We encourage our students to keep up the great work and stay connected to learning in whatever ways their individual circumstances allow.

With the Governor’s announcement to close schools for the remainder of the school year, we have also been working to determine next steps with grading, particularly at the high school level.

Second semester grades for ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS were frozen as of Friday, March 13, before spring break. Students will have the following options regarding grades in these courses:

Graduating seniors are an important consideration with grading and we remain committed to ensuring that all students on track to graduate will do so. Schools will be reaching out to students and families to discuss any barriers to graduation that may exist.

Seniors may choose to:

    • Keep the grade earned as of March 13
      • If this option is chosen, there is no action required by the student.
    • Work to improve the grade
      • To do this, students will work directly with the course instructor to turn in late work, resubmit work collected and graded prior to the closure, or retake exams.
      • Students with grades lower than they aspire to (for example, a student with a B wishing to improve to an A) may work to improve grades by re-submitting work completed prior to March 13.
      • Seniors will have until May 15 to improve grades.
      • Seniors with non-passing grades will have until May 15 to remediate to 60% or greater and receive a passing (D-) grade or higher.
    • Choose to take the class with a Credit/No Credit option
      • Students may request to change their class to a credit (C)/no credit (NC) option by May 15. Schools will be sending additional guidance on the process for selecting this option.
      • C/NC courses are not included in a student’s grade-point-average, but they will receive credit for the class if a grade of 60% or higher is earned.
      • IMPORTANT NOTE: Students planning to move on to post-secondary education should consult the institution they plan to attend to determine which grading option will be best for their individual circumstances. Students planning to play intercollegiate athletics may also wish to review guidance from the NCAA Clearninghouse or the NAIA Eligibility Center.

Students in grades 9-11 may choose to:

    • Keep the grade earned as of March 13
      • If this option is chosen, there is no action required by the student.
    • Work to improve the grade
      • To do this, students will work directly with the course instructor to turn in late work, resubmit work collected and graded prior to the closure, or retake exams.
      • Students with grades lower than they aspire to (for example, a student with a B wishing to improve to an A) may work to improve grades by re-submitting work completed prior to March 13.
      • Students in grades 9-11 will have until June 1 to improve grades.
      • Students in grades 9-11 with non-passing grades will have until June 1 to remediate to 60% or greater and receive a passing (D-) grade or higher.
      • Incomplete (INC) marks may be given for students in grades 9-11, if warranted based on individual student circumstances. INC marks must be given by June 1, with further extensions given as warranted.
      • The incomplete option will allow students, including those with Individualized Education Programs, ELL services, or internet connectivity barriers, to work to improve that grade in the Fall 2020.
    • Choose to take the class with a Credit/No Credit option
      • Students may request to change their class to a credit (C)/no credit (NC) option by June 1. Schools will be sending additional guidance on the process for selecting this option.
      • C/NC courses are not included in a student’s grade-point-average, but they will receive credit for the class if a grade of 60% or higher is earned.
      • IMPORTANT NOTE: Students planning to move on to post-secondary education should consult the institution they plan to attend to determine which grading option will be best for their individual circumstances. Students planning to play intercollegiate athletics may also wish to review guidance from the NCAA Clearninghouse or the NAIA Eligibility Center.

Week 5 of educational materials developed by the district’s Educational Support Team are now available on our EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES WEBPAGE. This week’s resources again include Suggested Learning Resources + Activities, a Social Emotional Learning Guide, and a variety of Student Handouts and Worksheets.

As a reminder, the district’s team has worked to be sure these resources meet the needs of learners across grade levels and of all abilities. Activities not marked with a specific grade level can be used by a wide range of students – look in the accommodations section of the resources for tips on making the learning accessible to your student!

If you are having difficulty with the resources or have questions about how to accommodate the activities for your child, please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) by email or Seesaw for assistance.

Printed copies of these packets will be available at meal delivery sites on Friday, April 24.

Enaan Ko Rokaal Kon Coronavirus: Eprol 20, 2020

Erkein enaan ko rokaal tata tok jen Dubuque Community School District:

Kon kojjela eo an Kobna eo Bolaide eo kon an bojrak jikuul ilo iio in,ebool kajitok rej itok nan kom kon ewi wewen an baamle ko maron bok men ko mweien rijikuul ro im rej ped wot ilo imon jikuul ko. Komij jerbale wot karok ko remaron kotlok ami buki mweiuk kein ilo am bareinwot kajjeon loor jonak ko jen state im federal ikijen ad kotolok koj jen ro jet nan wot jiban kadiklok ajeded in COVID-19. Jenaj kalikar waj karok kein elane renaj dedelok. Elane elon mweiuk en elap an aorok nan ami buki bwe elap aikuj buki jen jikuul, men ko einwot uno, jouj im kur lok principal eo an jikuul eo am.

Einwot ami jela, komij kate kom nan kautej ro ilo kilaaj eo an 2020 im ebed ilo bwebwenato. Elap an lon kompani ko rej kio karelel im wia kake kakkole ko nan kile kilaaj jonoulruo ro. District in ej maanjabobo in ortar kakkole kein an nabojin em nan monono kon Kilaaj eo an 2020 ilo an EJJELOK WONAER NAN BAAMLE KO. Komij jerbali wot karok kein im naj ajeji waj jain kein nan kajojo rijikuul/baamle ko rej konaan juon aer im kom naj kalikari waj melele kein nan baamle ko iien eo wot renaj dedelok.

Ej juon am konaan eikdelel nan komman jet kain kamoolol iben Kilaaj eo an 2020. Ak jej jela kei elap an lon kabanban ko ilo wewen an COVID-19 jelmae koj, komij elmokote jet jokjok ko nan komman komonono ko. Elmokot kein renaj tobrak im dedelok ilowan wiik kane rej pedo tok, im erre maanlok eo am bwe komin kojelaik baamle ko kon karok kein ilo naj Mae 1.

Coronavirus Update: April 20, 2020

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

With the school-year closure announced by the Governor on Friday, we have received many questions about how families can retrieve student items that remain in schools. We are working on plans that would allow for pickup of these items while also following state and federal guidelines for social distancing to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. We will share these plans as they are finalized. If you need to collect an urgent item from school, such as a needed medication, please contact your school’s principal.

As you know, we are committed to honoring members of the historic Class of 2020. There are many independent companies currently promoting and selling yard signs to recognize seniors. The district is in the process of ordering yard signs to celebrate the Class of 2020 at NO COST TO FAMILIES. We are working on a plan to distribute these signs to each student/family wanting one and will share those details with families as soon as plans and timelines are finalized.

It continues to be our desire to celebrate graduation in some form with the Class of 2020. Knowing that there are many variables as the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold, we are working on various scenarios for holding a celebration. These scenarios are being developed over the next few weeks, and our plan is to provide an update to families on May 1.

Enaan Eo Ekaal Tata Kon Coronavirus: Eprol 17, 2020

Iakwe nan Baamle ko im Rijerbal ro,

Kio ej Raelep, Kobna eo an Iowa Kim Reynolds ear kojjela bwe Jikuul kein ilo Iowa renaj kilok wot maanlok ilo aolepen iio in jikuul in 2019-2020. Iben an naj ejjelok jikuul ilo iien in, aolep ikkure ko, makutkut im burokuram ko rej bareinwot bojrak. Jikuul ear ron kon enaan in rainin ilo an kar Kobna eo kommane kojjela in ilo an kar konono iben rinuuj ro.

Nan rijikuul ro, rijerbal im baamle ko: Komin jela ke elap am kamoolol kon kijenmej ko ami maantak ilo tore kein reppen. –ejab ikijen jikuul wot, ak ilo jabdewot wewen kom ar entaan im kijenmej ie. Einwot ke ekar jab kotmane im konaan eo ad in bwe jikuul en kar bojrak ilo kotaan in maan waj, ear alikar ad iben don ilowan wiik ko maan tak, jemaron komman men ko rellap.

Kom emool kon rijikuul ro nejimi romman im baamle ko ilo ami kate kom bwe jikuul en jab bojrak ak en wonmanlok wot mene tore kein reppen. Jen wot kar wiik eo lok,enanin 4,300 rijikuul in high jikuul (elap lok jen 75 bojjen) rar delon im komman ekatak ilo Canvas, ijo rijikuul ro rej maron komman aer ekatak ie ilo online.Ilo Elementary, ear wor elon lok jen 19,266 rijikuul rar lo rikaki ro im komman ekatak ko ipeer. Ear wor 7,690 jinen im jemen rijikuul ro rar konono iben rikaki ro.

Rijikuul im rikaki ro ad elap aer emman im kamonono!

Ilo kotaan in maan waj ilowan iio in jikuul in, jenaj bed wot nan ad jiban im wonmanlok wot ilo ekatak kein rej komman im jenaj bareinwot kate koj ejaki karok im kottobar ko nan ad jeblak tok iio in jikuul in lal im ilo ad madjaki kottobar ko nan na wewen ekatak ko rar likjab itok wot jen COVID-19.

Ro iloKilaajeo an 2020, jej enjake an kanuuj rub buruweer ilo an walok kojjela in. Jej bed wot ilo ad kautej er, im ilo ad jela ke enaj oktak lok, ej am kojatdikdik bwe elon wewen ko kom maron komamn nan aer kamoolol im monono iben don ilo iien eo emokaj tata kom maron lo iial an komman. Jouj im tomak bwe einwot ijo ej eddoik jikuul kein, komij 100 bojjen kate kom nan komman bwe rijikuul ro ren bojak nan aer kadiwojlok im kom naj kotobrak menin. Jenaj bar lewaj elon lok melele wiik in lal ekoba wewen kilaaj ko nan an senior ro maron kadiwojlok im ta ko jet rej aikuj kar kadedeikilok.

Ilo jomlokin lok iio in jikuul in, jenaj kajjeon komman bwe en jako kabanban ko rejelet an rijikuul ro ekatak.

  • Jenaj komman wot monan ilo kajojo ran in jerbal ko nan rijikuul ro rej aikuji, im enaj iwoj wot kein komman ekatak ko an elementary ijoko jej ellewaj mona ie.
  • Jenaj komman bwe en emman lok wot an jerbal internet im en wor an rijikuul in high school ro kein jerbal im ekatak.
  • Jenaj ellewaj wot kein ekatak im an rikaki ro naj jerbal wot ibami ilo Seesaw, email im ilo talboon .
  • Eban jomlok ad jiban waj rijikuul im baamle ko ewor utamwe ilo enbwinier im rijikuul ro rej Ekatak Kajin Pelle ikijen aikuj ko aer.
  • Eban jomlok ad lale im etale aikuj an rijikuul im baamle ko, im jiban kon menin jiban ko jonan wot ad maron ak kwalok lok menin jiban ko ilo jukjukinped in.

Eban jomlok ad elle waj melele kaal baamle ko im rijerbal ro ilo ad wonman waj – im iben don, jenaj maron anjo jen mallejon in jej woj aolep jelmae. Euteej buruwod bwe Koj #DbqSchoolsProud im kalimur ko ad nan rijikuul ro im baamle ko roban jomlok ak oktak.

Kojbarok wot im Ejmuur nan aolep.

Ilo Kautej,
Stan Rheingans
Superintendent of Schools

Coronavirus Update: April 17, 2020

Dear Families and Staff,

This afternoon, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds announced that Iowa schools will remain closed through the remainder of this 2019-2020 school year. In addition to no school during this time, all sports, activities and events are also cancelled. The district learned of this news today as the Governor announced it during her daily press conference.

To our students, staff and families: Know that we are tremendously grateful for the sacrifices you continue to make during these trying times – not only regarding education, but in so many areas of your daily life. While a closure for the remainder of the school year is most certainly not what any of us hoped for, the past few weeks have shown us that together, we are capable of tremendous things.

Thank you to our amazing students and families who are working hard to continue learning during this trying time. Since last week, almost approximately 4,300 of our secondary students (over 75 percent!) have logged in to Canvas, the district’s learning management system. At the elementary level, the district is averaging 19,266 daily interactions and 7,690 daily parent interactions.

Our students and teachers are amazing!

Through the remainder of the scheduled school year, we will be here to support this continuous learning and we will continue to actively develop our plans for a return to school next year with a focus on addressing any learning gaps that occur as a result of COVID-19.

For the Class of 2020, we can only imagine the heartbreak that comes with this announcement. We are committed to honoring them and, while we know it will be in untraditional ways, it is our hope that we can provide an opportunity for them to celebrate together as soon as we are able.

Be assured that as a district, we are also 100 percent committed to ensuring that all students on track to graduate will do so. We will share more details next week with seniors regarding course grading options and graduation requirements.

During the remainder of the school year, we will also continue our work to remove barriers to student learning:

  • We will continue serving meals each weekday to students who need them, and will continue providing printed elementary educational resources at those sites on Fridays.
  • We will work to expand options for internet connectivity and student devices at the secondary level for students needing them.
  • We will continue providing educational resources and teacher outreach at the elementary level through Seesaw, email and phone.
  • We will regularly reach out to our students and families with special education and English Language Learner needs.
  • We will continue checking on the well-being of our students and families, and offer assistance when possible as well as connecting them to community resources.

We will continue to provide regular updates to families and staff as we move forward – and together, we will overcome the challenges we are facing. We are #DbqSchoolsProud and our commitment to our students and families will remain unwavering.

Stay safe and healthy.

Stan Rheingans
Superintendent of Schools

Enaan Ko Rokaal Tok Kon Coronaviurs: Eprol 15, 2020

Erkein enaan ko rokaal tok jen Dubuque Community School District:

4 de wiik kio in an kein ekatak ko rar komman jen ro rotijomlok im rej lolorjake Jelalokjen walok ilo webpeij eo am. Kein Ekatak kein Koboji tok nan wiik in + ewor Ikkure ko, Kilen Ejaak Jomdoon im Komadmode Aer im Inebata ko, im ebool Peba ko nan an Rijikuul ro Jerbali im Ekatak jeni.

Nan wot bar kakememej, Tiim in rijerbal ro ilo district in rar jerbal im likkuun kobobo kein ekatak kein bwe ren jejjet im emman nan aolep rijikuul ilo aolep kilaaj im ren ekkar nan jonan maron ko aer. Kein etaktak ko im rejab kalikar kilaaj ta kar kommani nane remaron bar jerbal nan ebool rijikuul ro jet – lele ijo jikin komleleik kilen kommani katak kein nan bok jiban nan an rijikuul eo maron melele im jela ta eo en kommane!

Elane eben am melele kilen kojerbal komlele ko ikijen kein ekatak kein, jouj im kajjeon tobar rikaki eo an ajiri eo/ro nejum emaron ilo email ak ilo Seesaw nan an jiban eok.

Kein ekatak ko ilo peba maron ebbok ilo jikin ebbok mona ilo Bolaide, Eprol 17.

Ej kab moj an State in an Iowa kommane juon Jikin bok Melele kon Coronavirus ekoba melele ko rokaal tata ikijen naninmej ko jen COVID-19 ilo state in. Webpeij in enaj bed link ko (ijoko konaj deloni ilo internet) nan am maron lo im bok melele ikijen burokuram ko an state im remaron jiban baamle ko, ainwot ikijen jiban kon mona ko rej itok iumin Ra eo an Human Service im burokuram in jiban ko nan kora im ninnin im ajiri jiddik ro ikijen mona ko roune (WIC) im rej itok iumin Ra eo an Jikin Ejmuur. Kwoj bareinwot maron lo melele im wewen jiban kein nan Kamuniti ilo Webpeij eo an district.