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Enaan Ko Rokaal Tok Kon Coronavirus: Maaj 27, 2020

Erkein enaan ko rokall tok jen Dubuque Community School District:

Jino jen Mande, Maaj 30 ran, district in enaj bar kalonlok kin jilu jikin ebbok mona ko ejjelok wonaerEBBOK-IM-ETAL mona nan ro eben aer ebok ijoko jet. Mona kein naj ektaki lok kin wa ko waan district ilo kajojo ran in jerbal ko (Mande-Bolaide) im naj maron bed ilo kajojo jikin kein iumin20 wot minit nan ro rej etal ilal lok im ebok wot. Nan kojbarok rijikuul ro im baamle ko aer, ejjelok ej etal kin wa im ebbok jen jikin kein jilu. Lale kojjela eo kin jikin ebbok mona ko ilo webpage ikijen ia wa ko remaron ettorlok im ebok mona jeni.

Ijoko kein:

Table Mound Mobile Home Park (iturin imon komman license eo/DOT ): KOJJAB ETTOR LOK KIN WA, ETETAL WOT.
JIKIN EO: 700 Noonan Street
AWA KO: 11-11:20 a.m.
IIEN MONA: MONA IN RAELEP IM KOJOTA (ebbok mabun nan ran eo tok juon ilo am ebbok mona in raelep!)

Table Mound Mobile Home Park (Iturin Casey): ETETAL LOK WOT/EJJELOK WA
JIKIN EO: 1221 Maquoketa Drive
AWA KO: 11:40 a.m.-Noon
IIEN MONA: Mabun im mona in raelep (ebbok mabun nan ran eo tok juon ilo am ebbok mona in raelep!)

Kojota nan 20 Mobile Home Park: ETETAL LOK WOT/EJJELOK WA
JIKIN EO: 14501 North Cascade Road
AWA KO: 12:30-12:50 p.m.
IIEN MONA: Mabun im mona in raelep (ebbok mabun nan ran eo tok juon ilo am ebbok mona in

Ebwe an lon rijikuul in high school ko ilo district in rej ebbok kilaaj ko routeej lok an college ilo University of Dubuque ilo semesta in. Aolep kilaaj ko an UD rej bed online ilo aolepen semesta in, im ewor rijikuul in high school rej ebbok aer kilaaj in college ilo semesta in ijen.Tore in, rikaki ro ilo UD emoj aer ba lok nan rijikuul ro nan kwalok ta ren kommane im kilen aer tobar im kadedelok semesta in. Jouj im kur lok ak kebak rikaki in UD eo am elane ewor am kajitok ikijen kilaaj eo am.

Coronavirus Update: March 27, 2020

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

Beginning Monday, March 30, the district will offer three additional locations offering no-cost GRAB-AND-GO meals to those not easily served by other sites. Meals will be delivered to these locations by a district vehicle each weekday (Monday-Friday) and will be available at each site for a 20-minute period for walk ups only. In order to keep students and families safe, no drive-up requests will be served. Visit our FOOD RESOURCES webpage for a list of drive-up locations.

New locations are:

Table Mound Mobile Home Park (DOT side): WALK-UP ONLY
LOCATION: 700 Noonan Street
HOURS: 11-11:20 a.m.
MEALS: Lunch and Breakfast (grab breakfast for the next day when you pick up lunch!)

Table Mound Mobile Home Park (Casey’s side): WALK-UP ONLY
LOCATION: 1221 Maquoketa Drive
HOURS: 11:40 a.m.-Noon
MEALS: Lunch and Breakfast (grab breakfast for the next day when you pick up lunch!)

Super 20 Mobile Home Park: WALK-UP ONLY
LOCATION: 14501 North Cascade Road
HOURS: 12:30-12:50 p.m.
MEALS: Lunch and Breakfast (grab breakfast for the next day when you pick up lunch!)

The district has a number of high school students enrolled in post-secondary courses at the University of Dubuque this semester. All of UD’s courses are online for the rest of the semester, which includes high school students enrolled in college courses. By now, UD instructors should have reached out to their students along with instructions on how to access/complete the remainder of the semester. Please contact your UD instructor if you have specific questions about your course.

Enaan Ko Rokaal TokKin Coronavirus: Maaj 26, 2020

Erkein enaan ko rokaal tata jen Dubuque Community School District:

CollegeBoard eo, eo im ej lolorjake AP Teej in, ejab bok wonen lali im bok teej in ilo online, jen iben rikaki ro an AP jen aolepen belakin Amerka in. Kooj ak teej in ej nan ro rokonaan, kwoj maron wot ito-tak ilo am boke im elap an lon ro rej kelet bwe ren boke. Kooj in ej ikijen etale jonan im ta ko kwojela im nan letok juon kolmenlokjen jen 75% ibwiljin menin ekatak ko. Enaj bar wor jet menin jiban kein ekatak ko ekoba unin konono ko jen 25% in jomlokin lok kooj in.


Ilo aolep tore ne, im ilowan aoelpen iio en, elap an lon doulul ko rej bojak in jiban tok ajiri ro nejid im kamuniti in. Juon laajrak in doulul ko re jiban ajiri ro maron lo ilo Family Resource Guide bok eo an Bukon in Dubuque in, kar komman jen Dubuque County Early Childhood. Iien kein roppen remaron in bareinwot kaburomoj koj im kakkure enjake ko ad. Talboon eo nan Bukot Jiban ikijen ro rej kajjeon Anemkwoj e mour ka aer errein 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

LALE IA KO KOMARON KABBOK JIBAN JENE ILO KAMUNITI IN ilo Coronavirus Webpage eo ad, nan ebokFamily Resource Guide im bar melele ko jet ikijen won im ia jiban emaron itok jene.

Coronavirus Update: March 26

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

CollegeBoard, which administers AP Exams, is offering free, live online AP review courses, delivered by AP teachers from across the country. These courses are optional, mobile friendly and will be available on demand. Courses will focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course. There will also be some supplementary lessons including topics from the final 25% of the course.


During this time, and throughout the year, there are many organizations focused on supporting our children and community. A list of organizations supporting children can be found in the Dubuque County Family Resource Guide, compiled by Dubuque County Early Childhood. These uncertain times can also be very emotionally challenging. The Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available for support 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

VIEW COMMUNITY RESOURCES on our Coronavirus Webpage for a copy of the Family Resource Guide and other information and support resources.

Enaan Ko Rokaal Tata Ikijen Cornonavirus: Maaj 25

Erkein enaan ko rokaal tata tok jen Dubuque Community School District:

Tiim eo ej Jiban Lolorjake Jerbal in Katakin ilo district in rar ejake Jet Lamlam ko Ikijen Kein Ekatak+im Kilen Komman Makutkut ko im juon Juon Jonak Ikijen Kamonono im Ipen don for nan an jinen im jemen rijikuul ro jiban rijikuul ro nejier. Elon jonak ko nan rijikuul in elementary, middle im high school. Enaj bar lon kein ekatak ko renaj iwoj ilo kajojo wiik. Kajojo ian komlele kein rej kwalok kain ikkure ko, romman nan jiban ro rej ekatak ilo aolep kilaaj ko, im rej ekkejel lok iben elon kain kein katakin ko elap tokjaer online. Enaj iwoj komlele kein ilo peba ilo jikin ajeej mona ko ilo Bolaide.

LALE KEIN JIBAN EKATAK KEIN ilo webpage eo an Coronavirus bwe kwon maron lo kein ekatak kein.

Jej lomnak kin rijikuul ro im jen iakwe er im baamle ko aer! Aolep rikaki ro ilo aolepen jikuul kein ilo district in rej jerbal nan aer kur waj baamle ko ad. Enanin aolep call kein renaj iwoj jen nomba k ejab an jikuul, kon menin elane kom naj loi call kein rej iwoj nomba ko kom jaje kaki ak ko komij jab jab uaaki, jouj im uaake bwe jen maron tobar kom. Ijjelokin ikur kein, elon rikaki ro renaj jeje waj ilo SeeSaw, Canvas im email.

Nan rijikuul ro rej ebok kilaaj ko an college, emoj an itok enaan nan district in jen state bwe “mene rijikuul eo ej ebok wot an kilaaj ilo high school, kooj eo ej an college, jikuul ko lok ilon ewor ej koblak kilen kommani kilaaj ko aer. Rijikuul eo ej aikuj wonmanlok wot im bok kilaaj eo, mae iien ewor jet wewen ko robidodo lok letok jen jikuul eo. Rijikuul eo ej maron bok kilaaj eo ekkar nan kon ko emoj karoki jen jikuul ko lok ilon.”

Einwot ej mottan lok jerbal in bobrae kein nae COVID-19, Mediacom ear kojjelaik tok district in kin burokuram in wonen kojerbal internet ko an eddik woneen etan Connect2Compete. Kombani en emoj kio an kolaplok kajoor in burokuram ko an nan 25 mbps jonan eo ilal im 3 mbps ilo an kajoor. Baamle ko renaj maron delon ilo burokuram in im renaj maron delon ie mokta jen May 15, 2020, naj lelok nan er 60 ran in an ejjelok woneen kojerbal Mediacom Connect2Compete service en aer.

Mweo imom emaron boke elane:

      • Mediacom ej lewaj internet service ilo moko imom ak.
      • Ewor juon iiet tata juon rijikuul ej bed ilo K-12 ej jokwe imweo
      • Ewor ne eiet juon ajiri ej bok woneen mona eo edik ak emaron likkuun ejjelok kijen jen burokuram in mona eo (NSLP)
      • Kwoj jab juon an Mediacom coustomer im kwar jab bed ipeer iumin 90 ran ko rej jomlok lok
      • Ejjelok am muri iben Mediacom ak ejjelok kein jerbal en konanin koroolok

Mediacom enaj bar kotlok am kojerbal Mediacom Xtream Wi-Fi Hotspots ilo jetjojo jikin ko ipelakin Dubuque in iumin 60 ran.

Coronavirus Update: March 25

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

The district’s Educational Support Team has created Suggested Learning Resources + Activities and a Social Emotional Learning Guide for parents to support learning with their student. There are guides available for elementary, middle and high school students. Additional resources will be provided weekly. Each guide includes suggested activities, accommodations to assist learners of all levels, and links to a variety of helpful online tools. Printed copies of these packets will be available at meal delivery sites on Friday.

VIEW EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES on our Coronavirus Webpage to access these materials.

We miss and care about our students and families! Teachers across the district are working to contact each of our families. These calls will mostly be made from non-district numbers, so if you receive a call from an unknown or a blocked number, please consider answering it so we can connect with you. In addition to phone calls, many teachers will also be connecting via Seesaw, Canvas and email.

For students taking Postsecondary Coursework, the district received guidance from the state that “even though the student is receiving high school credit, the course is ultimately a postsecondary course and the postsecondary institution has decision-making authority regarding operation of the course. The student should continue to participate in the course, unless specific exemptions are established by the postsecondary institution. The student should access the course according to alternative arrangements established by the postsecondary institution.”

As part of its response to COVID-19, Mediacom has informed the district of its low-cost internet program called Connect2Compete. The company has now increased the program’s speed to 25 Mbps down speed and 3 Mbps up speed. Qualifying families who subscribe before May 15, 2020, will receive 60 days of complimentary Mediacom Connect2Compete service.

Your household may qualify if:

    • Mediacom offers internet service in your community or area
    • You have at least one student in grades K-12 living at home
    • At least one child qualifies for free or reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
    • You are not a current Mediacom internet customer and have NOT subscribed to Mediacom internet service in the past 90 days
    • You do not have an outstanding Mediacom bill or unreturned equipment

Mediacom is also providing complementary access to all Mediacom Xtream Wi-Fi Hotspots in various locations throughout Dubuque for 60 days.

Coronavirus Update: March 24

First up in today’s update, an important informational note: We continue to receive many messages and inquiries regarding online learning moving forward. This is an issue that school districts across the state are currently wrestling with and seeking guidance on. This afternoon, we learned from the Iowa Department of Education that a state task force is being formed on this issue that will meet later this week. We will look forward to receiving additional guidance and clarity from this task force as we continue to move forward with providing resources to our families and students.

Today, as we provide this update, we also take a moment to simply pause, breathe and focus.

As we have long said, it is truly the people who make the Dubuque Community School District amazing – and that has never been truer than in these times of uncertainty.

Our world today is different than it was a week ago, and we want to assure you that we are working tirelessly to provide resources, support and comfort as we face this challenge together.

As you read this message,

  • administrators and teachers from across the district are preparing educational resources for students and are working to roll those out to families in the next few days
  • district staff and many community partners are preparing meals to serve students throughout our community, all at no-cost
  • custodians are busy deep-cleaning our school buildings
  • central office staff are ensuring that critical functions such as payroll, accounts payable, technology infrastructure and more continue to operate
  • counselors are preparing resources to support the emotional well-being of our families
  • teachers have or will be reaching out families to check-in
  • parents are adjusting schedules and helping students continue learning at home
  • our community is rallying around those who are most vulnerable

Many questions remain – some we can answer now, and others that we are working to answer. Some answers may change over time. We are with you in navigating this new, unknown territory.

While we won’t always have an immediate answer to every question we receive, we can tell you with unwavering certainty that our entire district is wholly focused on the education, safety, health and wellbeing of the students and families we serve.

We take great pride and responsibility in being a critical community link and we are grateful for your support and partnership as we move forward.

The Dubuque Community School District is not, and will never be, simply a collection of buildings. Our schools are the collective of our students, families, staff and community members who provide critical services for our students.

We will work through COVID-19 together, we will continue to provide you with updates from the district for as long as necessary, and we will look with hope to the day we can learn and serve together in person.

Look for our regular updates and additional information to resume tomorrow.

Coronavirus Update: March 23

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

At the time of this update, there are six confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Dubuque County. We again encourage all families, students, staff and community members to take steps to practice social distancing in order to “flatten the curve” and reduce the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. Everyone plays a role in helping. VIEW PREVENTION RESOURCES on our Coronavirus Webpage.

In addition to taking preventative measures to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, it is also important to be aware of the emotional wellbeing of your family during this pandemic. As a reminder, the Child Mind Institute has developed a resource called Talking to Kids About Coronavirus recommended by the American School Counseling Association that you may wish to use to support conversations with your student.

We continue to receive a number of questions about educational delivery during this time of closure, and many people are making comparisons to steps being taken by our neighbors in Illinois. It is important to note that at the time of this message, Iowa law does not allow for online delivery of instruction. This continues to be an evolving situation, and state and federal guidance are subject to change, but right now it is not possible for Iowa school districts to resume classes in a virtual format.

While guidance from the state prohibits the delivery of required instruction, our school administrators and educational support teams are working hard this week to provide suggested educational resources for students during this ever-changing situation.

Beginning tomorrow, middle school teachers and staff will begin reaching out to families to connect during the closure. These calls will mostly be made from non-district numbers, so if you receive a call from an unknown or a blocked number, please consider answering it so we can connect with you.

Coronavirus Update: March 20

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:

Yesterday, March 19, the Dubuque County Public Health Incident Management Team announced that the first case of coronavirus COVID-19 was confirmed in Dubuque County. READ THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT.

We encourage all individuals to continue practicing recommended social distancing and prevention methods to help reduce spread of COVID-19.

VIEW PREVENTION RESOURCES on the district’s Coronavirus Update webpage.

Beginning Monday, March 23, the district and a variety of community partners will offer no-cost GRAB-AND-GO meals each weekday (Monday-Friday) for individuals 18 and under (note that infant formula or food will not be available).

In addition to these sites, there are a number of organizations and food pantry sites serving those in need.

VIEW FOOD RESOURCES on the district’s Coronavirus Update webpage.

CollegeBoard, which offers AP Exams nationwide, provided an update this morning regarding its plans to offer an at-home testing option and to provide resources for student preparation. READ THE FULL AP UPDATE.

As with all other events in the district, the Kindergarten Welcome Events scheduled for March 31 have been cancelled. The district will reach out next week to families of students entering kindergarten next year with additional information about how to submit the necessary paperwork.

Coronavirus Update: March 19

Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:


As mentioned in yesterday’s update, the district is working to provide enrichment resources for students during this closure and we know many families are anxious to have access to learning resources. At the same time, during this unconventional and stressful spring break, we hope you will take a moment to remember that our students have not yet lost any instruction. With so much going on around us, we also hope that you can find a chance to disconnect and recharge, even if only for a few moments.

We all desire to provide resources and information to families as quickly as possible. While seemingly easy on the surface, this issue is incredibly complicated and we have many teams working hard to provide resources.

As a large, complex district serving the needs of many student populations, we are focused on how we can provide educational resources in an equitable way that meets the needs of all students, while also meeting our legal requirements and navigating guidance from the state and federal Departments of Education.

While we can never match the education gained from being in school, know that we are committed to providing as many resources as possible to students. We are paying especially close attention to those students preparing for graduation this year to ensure that they remain on track to graduate.

We look forward to sharing additional information with you next week as it develops.