Header return to learn healthy safety

Prevention + Protection


What you can expect from the district:

  • require masks in all district facilities
  • require masks while on school buses
  • provide disposable masks at entrances to all district facilities
  • provide reusable masks to all staff and hybrid students
  • promote social distancing at all district facilities
  • use additional entry and exit points during arrival and dismissal time to avoid large gatherings of students in one area
  • modify classroom setup to create physical distancing and avoid close contact
  • use alternative indoor spaces and outdoor areas to enhance physical distancing
  • minimize movement through the building, only moving when necessary to do so
  • reconfigure common areas by spacing out or eliminating furniture to minimize crowding
  • stagger passing times when possible in order to reduce the number of students in hallways
  • adjust the traffic flow inside buildings to minimize congregation
  • assign seats on school buses
  • reinforce mask and social distance messages via daily announcements, online, video, signs, printed materials, etc. (see MASK UP and MAINTAIN YOUR DISTANCE resources)
  • continue to monitor latest guidance and best practices

What we ask of our students and staff:

  • wear a mask or face covering
  • practice social distancing


Mask Up AND Maintain Your Distance