Course Descriptions for English
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- English
- Speech
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- 7 credits are required for graduation from the Dubuque Community School District.
- Credits earned beyond the requirement are automatically counted as Elective credits.
ENG121 (Sem 1), ENG122 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: freshmen
NCAA: approved
Students will engage in thematic units covering a variety of genres including informational, literature, novels, poetry, and multimedia around a meaningful essential question. Students will analyze text, cite evidence, and respond critically about their learning. Additionally, reading, writing, language, speaking, and listening skills are taught throughout each semester. Students will work on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and writing through a variety of writing modes.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Writing, Listening, and Language Strands.
ENG131 (Sem 1), ENG132 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: freshmen
NCAA: approved
PREREQUISITE: placement based on 8th grade assessment and instructor recommendation
Students will engage in thematic units covering a variety of genres including informational, literature, novels, poetry, and multimedia around a meaningful essential question. Students will analyze text, cite evidence, and respond critically about their learning. Additionally, reading, writing, language, speaking, and listening skills are taught throughout each semester. Students will work on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and writing through a variety of writing modes. Pacing, independent work and supplemental readings will be utilized to provide a deeper analysis of the standards.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Language Strands.
ENG221 (Sem 1), ENG222 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: sophomores
NCAA: approved
Students will engage in thematic units covering a variety of genres including informational, literature, novels, poetry, and multimedia around a meaningful essential question. Students will analyze text, cite evidence, and respond critically about their learning. Additionally, reading, writing, language, speaking, and listening skills are taught throughout each semester. Students will work on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and writing through a variety of writing modes.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Language Strands.
ENG231 (Sem 1), ENG232 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: sophomores
NCAA: approved
PREREQUISITE: Honors English 1-2 or instructor recommendation
Students will engage in thematic units covering a variety of genres including informational, literature, novels, poetry, and multimedia around a meaningful essential question. Students will analyze text, cite evidence, and respond critically about their learning. Additionally, reading, writing, language, speaking, and listening skills are taught throughout each semester. Students will work on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and writing through a variety of writing modes. Pacing, independent work and supplemental readings will be utilized to provide a deeper analysis of the standards.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Language Strands.
ENG321 (Sem 1), ENG322 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: juniors
NCAA: approved
Students will engage in thematic units covering a variety of genres including informational, literature, novels, poetry, and multimedia around a meaningful essential question. Students will analyze text, cite evidence, and respond critically about their learning. Additionally, reading, writing, language, speaking, and listening skills are taught throughout each semester. Students will work on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and writing through a variety of writing modes.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Writing, Listening, and Language Strands.
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: seniors
NCAA: approved
This one-semester course is designed for students interested in exploring mostly American literature based on contemporary issues and topics. Fiction, non-fiction, plays, film and poetry (including contemporary music lyrics) will be studied in depth. Students will use their skills as a reader to analyze, write and discuss the impact contemporary issues have on their lives and the lives of others.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built primarily on the 11-12th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Speaking and Listening Strands.
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: seniors
NCAA: approved
This one-semester course is designed for students interested in exploring literature through various world cultures and time periods. Throughout the texts, students will examine how historical context, geographic location, and setting impacts literature. This course will examine world literature through novels, poetry, short stories, and plays.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built primarily on the 11-12th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, and Speaking and Listening Strands.
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: seniors
NCAA: approved
This one-semester course is designed for students interested in exploring African American literature through historical chronology. The African American Literature course delivers a thematic-based survey exploring a broad range of (mostly) African American writers, poets, journalists, critics, filmmakers, lyricists, musicians, essayists, etc. encompassing fiction and nonfiction works. Targeted universal themes include identity (including the dual-self and communal), perceptions/images, voice, conflict, justice, and influence.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built primarily on the 11-12th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, and Speaking and Listening Strands.
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: seniors
NCAA: approved
This one-semester course will recognize the changing roles women have experienced culturally, socially, and psychologically. Students will consider the ways in which women writers have responded to these historical issues. Although gender will serve as the foundation of the course, race, class, age, sexuality, nationality, and religion will also be examined in the relationship of women’s writing to the rest of the world.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built primarily on the 11-12th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, and Speaking and Listening Strands.
ENG351 (Sem 1), ENG352 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: juniors
NCAA: approved
PREREQUISITE: Honors English 3-4 or instructor recommendation
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition will engage students in becoming skilled readers of rich prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts in a year-long class. Through application, students will become skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes, thus satisfying the composition graduation requirement. Ultimately, this course will help the student prepare to take the AP English Language and Composition Exam and college reading and writing classes. Summer reading and writing will be required of students who enroll in AP English Language and Composition.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 11-12th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, and Language Strands.
ENG541 (Sem 1), ENG542 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: seniors
NCAA: approved
PREREQUISITE: instructor and / or GT Facilitator recommendation
Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for the readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. The course provides students with the skills in analytical reading and expository writing necessary to prepare them for college-level reading and writing. Summer reading and writing will be required of students who enroll in AP English Literature and Composition.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built primarily on the 11-12th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, and Speaking and Listening Strands.
COMPOSITION I – NICC Concurrent College Class (ENG:105)
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: juniors and seniors (preference given to seniors)
PREREQUISITE: must have one of the following: ACT English score of 18, Accuplacer/Writeplacer score of 5 or SAT score of 430 for Writing recommend: successful completion of English 1-2 and English 3-4
This is a writing course that prepares the student for the types of communication and thought essential to academic and working-world success. The course focuses on writing as a process and is intended to help students identify and refine their own personal writing. Students will:
- Write as a means of discovering and clarifying ideas.
- Write in many forms—such as essays, reports, articles, and letters.
- Implement a process approach to writing of generating ideas, drafting, revising, and editing.
- Use appropriate writing strategies for varying purposes and audiences.
- Develop an authentic, personal writing voice and tone appropriate for varying purposes and audiences.
- Organize essays which present logical progression and support through introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Polish individual writing style by using conventions of standard written English.
- Revise writings based on peer, instructor, and sometimes, NICC Writing Center responses.
- Reflect on their own writing in order to make necessary revisions and improvements in content, style, and editing.
COMMENT: This is a concurrent enrollment course. In addition to high school credit, students will earn 3 college credits at NICC. Contact your school counselor and/or the admissions office of the postsecondary institution you plan to attend for more information on the transferability of the credits.
INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE – NICC Concurrent College Class (LIT:101)
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: juniors and seniors (preference given to seniors)
PREREQUISITE: Composition I with a minimum grade of C-
Introduction to Literature focuses on the art of fiction, drama, and poetry. Students closely examine literature that challenges and enlightens. Engagement with these works stimulate independent, analytical thinking that is shared through writing and discussion. Students will:
- Effectively analyze literature from various genres.
- Demonstrate an understanding of literary genres and their many forms.
- Explain literature in its historical and cultural context.
- Analyze fiction through the elements of character, setting, plot, point of view, symbols, and theme.
- Analyze drama by dissecting it into the elements of character, setting, plot, dialogue, theme, and staging.
- Analyze poetry through the poetic devices of form, sound, imagery, symbolism, tone, and theme.
- Compare and contrast literature within and across genres.
COMMENT: This is a concurrent enrollment course. In addition to high school credit, students will earn 3 college credits at NICC. Contact your school counselor and/or the admissions office of the postsecondary institution you plan to attend for more information on the transferability of the credits.
COMPOSITION IINICC Concurrent College Class (ENG:106)
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: juniors and seniors (preference given to seniors)
PREREQUISITE: Composition I with a minimum grade of C-
This research writing course analyzes writing as a process with emphasis on developing persuasive, evaluative, analytical, investigative, research, and documentation skills. Students will:
- Apply the principles of effective persuasion in writing.
- Develop a subject into an academic argument of appropriate scope.
- Analyze and evaluate resources of the library, electronic databases, and other sources.
- Select appropriate strategies for taking notes by quoting directly, summarizing, and paraphrasing.
- Demonstrate understanding of the nature and consequences of plagiarism
- Employ acceptable MLA or APA style documentation.
- Revise for style and adherence to current standards of written English.
- Demonstrate effective application of course competencies through a reflective capstone project.
COMMENT: This is a concurrent enrollment course. In addition to high school credit, students will earn 3 college credits at NICC. Contact your school counselor and/or the admissions office of the postsecondary institution you plan to attend for more information on the transferability of the credits.
MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE – NICC Concurrent College Class (LIT:134)
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: juniors and seniors (preference given to seniors)
PREREQUISITE: Composition I with a minimum grade of C-
Multicultural Literature explores, through a variety of genres, a wide range of cultural and ethnic voices. Students will read, discuss, and critique materials from authors who represent diverse ethnic, racial, and cultural populations. Emphasis centers on the assessment and appreciation of the strengths and values that cultural diversity brings to our communities.
COMMENT: This is a concurrent enrollment course. In addition to high school credit, students will earn 3 college credits at NICC. Contact your school counselor and/or the admissions office of the postsecondary institution you plan to attend for more information on the transferability of the credits.
XSM111 (Sem 1), XSM112 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: freshmen
PREREQUISITE: placement based on assessment and instructor recommendation
This course is for students who need additional academic assistance as determined by their Individual Education Plan (IEP). The instruction will develop, reinforce and refine specific reading objectives in comprehension and inferential thinking through the use of reading strategies. Units covered include short story, novel, poetry, mythology and drama. Students will also learn to use a variety of sentence types, write organized and concise paragraphs, and be introduced to five-paragraph writing.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core.
XSM211 (Sem 1), XSM212 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: sophomores
PREREQUISITE: Practical English 1-2 or instructor recommendation
This course is for students who need additional academic assistance as determined by their Individual Education Plan (IEP). This course follows a thematic approach to literary genres: short story, novel, drama, poetry, and nonfiction. Reading, writing, speaking, technology, and listening skills will be incorporated into each unit. Students will read and analyze literature from around the world. Students engage in expository, comparison/contrast, persuasive, creative, and personal writing, as well as research and literary analysis. Class discussion is an integral part of the class. Vocabulary, grammar and usage, and other composition skills will be emphasized.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core.
XSM311 (Sem 1), XSM312 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: juniors
PREREQUISITE: Practical English 3-4 or instructor recommendation
This course is for students who need additional academic assistance as determined by their Individual Education Plan (IEP). This course follows a thematic approach to literary genres: short story, novel, drama, poetry, and nonfiction. Reading, writing, speaking, technology, and listening skills will be incorporated into each unit. Students will read and analyze literature from around the world. Students engage in expository, comparison/contrast, persuasive, creative, and personal writing, as well as research and literary analysis. Class discussion is an integral part of the class. Vocabulary, grammar and usage, and other composition skills will be emphasized.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 10-11th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core.
XSM721 (Sem 1), XSM722 (Sem 2)
DURATION: year course
OPEN TO: all students
PREREQUISITE: placement based on assessment and instructor recommendation
The instruction will develop, reinforce and refine specific reading objectives in comprehension, inferential thinking, engage in expository, and comparison/contrast. Units covered include: central idea of text, selecting details, determine logical connections, and determine meaning of words. Real world applications: current events through local resources, career information, cleaning supplies, clothing care, 1st aide and safety procedures, recipes, and job site safety information.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built on the 9-12th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core and the Essential Elements.
- 1 credit is required for graduation from the Dubuque Community School District.
- Credits earned beyond the requirement are automatically counted as Elective credits.
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: all students
NCAA: approved
Students will be given the opportunity to learn about and practice techniques used in interpersonal, group and public speaking settings. Students will actively participate in units such as listening, group communication, and interpersonal communication. Students will research, organize, outline, write, and present speeches. Students will learn how to apply technology to communication situations.
Alignment to the Iowa Core Curriculum: Instruction, learning, and assessment are built primarily of the 9-10th grade-band expectations of the Iowa Core Reading, Writing, and Listening and Speaking Strands.
PUBLIC SPEAKING – NICC Concurrent College Class (SPC:112)
DURATION: semester course
OPEN TO: sophomores, juniors, seniors (preference given to juniors and seniors)
RECOMMEND: successful completion of high school Speech
An introductory course designed to help students develop skills as speakers and critical listeners, increase understanding of the concepts and principles of verbal communication, and become more effective communicators in formal and informal speaking situations.
COMMENT: This is a concurrent enrollment course. In addition to high school credit, students will earn 3 college credits at NICC. Contact your school counselor and/or the admissions office of the postsecondary institution you plan to attend for more information on the transferability of the credits. This course will be offered at Hempstead High School during first hour and open to students at both high schools.