Course Offerings for Grade 10

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Grade 10 (Class of 2028)

Tenth grade students must select at least six major courses each semester (12 courses for the school year). Major courses meet 5 days per week. Please see course descriptions for graduation requirements and prerequisites.

ENGLISH (7 credits required for graduation)
Must choose one of the following year-long courses:

ENG221/ENG222 English 3-4
ENG231/ENG232 Honors English 3-4

SPEECH (1 credit required for graduation)
May choose one of the following semester-long courses:

ENG153 Speech
ENG643 Public Speaking

MATHEMATICS (6 credits required for graduation)
Must choose one of the following year-long courses:

MTH161/MTH162 Algebra I
MTH171/MTH172 Geometry
MTH181/MTH182 Honors Geometry
MTH271/MTH272 Algebra II
MTH281/MTH282 Honors Algebra II
MTH331/MTH332 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry
MTH391/MTH392 Honors Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry
MTH521/MTH522 Advanced Placement Statistics

LIFE SCIENCE (2 credits required for graduation)
Must choose one of the following year-long courses:

SCI131/SCI132 Biology
SCI141/SCI142 Honors Biology

EARTH / SPACE SCIENCE (2 credits required for graduation)
May choose the following year-long course:

SCI151/SCI152 Honors Next Gen Global Science

WORLD HISTORY (2 credits required for graduation)
Must choose one of the following year-long or two semester-long courses:

SOC221/SOC222 World History
SOC511/SOC512 Advanced Placement World History
SOC603 World Civilization I
SOC604 World Civilization II

WELLNESS (4 credits required for graduation; one semester each year)
Must choose one of the following semester-long courses:

PED153 Health Club Fitness
PED159 Water Fitness & Games (Hempstead Only)
PED162 Active Games & Fitness Class
PED163 Performance PE
PED164 Advanced Performance PE
PED171 Early Bird Wellness *
PED180 Officiating I
PED181 Officiating II
PED902 Athletic Exemption **

* full schedule both semesters required
** participation in two sports and Athletic Exemption Form required

May choose one of the following year-long courses that count as elective credits:

WFR111/WFR112 French 1-2
WFR211/WFR212 French 3-4
WGE131/WGE132 German 1-2
WGE231/WGE232 German 3-4
WSP181/WSP182 Spanish 1-2
WSP281/WSP282 Spanish 3-4

ELECTIVES (13 credits required for graduation)
Courses that fulfill Elective requirement:

ART113 Art 2D: Drawing & Painting
ART114 Art 3D: Ceramics (Clay) & Sculpture
ART115 Digital Art 1
ART211/ART212 Advanced Art 2D
ART221/ART222 Advanced Art 3D
ART223 Photography 1: Basic
ART224 Photography: Darkroom & Film Development
ART225 Photography: Digital & Photo Editing
BUS111 Introduction to Business
BUS121 Computer Essentials
BUS311 Accounting I
BUS312 Accounting II
BUS335 Entrepreneurship
BUS503/BUS504 IJAG 9-10
ENG163 Theatre
ENG164 Advanced Theatre
ENG359 Journalism
ENG371/ENG372 Yearbook
ENG381/ENG382 Newspaper
FCS125 Nutrition and Food Preparation
FCS235 Child Health, Safety, & Nutrition
FCS245 Infant/Toddler Care & Education
FCS255 Early Childhood Curriculum I
FCS275 Child Growth & Development
FCS301 Foundations in Education
FCS303 Introduction to Teaching
FCS304 Introduction to Child Development
FCS305 Interpersonal Relationships/Studies
FCS307 Careers in Human Services
HTH101 Health I
HTH102 Health II
INT115 Engineering Drafting and Design I
INT117 Woodworking
INT123 Manufacturing
INT213 Autos I: Care & Maintenance
INT215 Autos II: Diagnostics
INT217 Autos III: Chassis & Drive Trains
INT223 Small Engine Repair
INT323 Electricity/Electronics
INT332 Metals
INT363 Welding
INT383 Advanced Woodworking
INT385 Construction I
INT387 Construction II
INT401 Engineering I
INT402 Engineering II
INT413 Engineering Drafting and Design II
INT433 Architectural Design
ISS121 Multimedia
ISS131 Computer Science Principles I
ISS132 Computer Science Principles II
ISS231/ISS232 Advanced Placement Computer Science
ISS311/ISS312 Student Run Help Desk
ISS411 Troubleshooting
ISS531/ISS532 Advanced Placement Computer Science A
ISS701 Fundamentals of Web Design
ISS702 Computer Ethics
MUS111/MUS112 Band
MUS121/MUS122 Jazz Band
MUS131/MUS132 Orchestra
MUS151/MUS152 Percussion Ensemble
MUS162 Color Guard
MUS191/MUS192 Chorale
MUS321/MUS322 Advanced Orchestra
MUS341/MUS342 Concert Choir
MUS361/MUS362 Music Theory and Harmony
MUS421/MUS422 Honors Chamber Orchestra
MUS571/MUS572 Ambassador Singers
MUS811 Modern Band Technique & Tech 1
MUS812 Modern Band Technique & Tech 2
SCI183 Semester Physics
SCI184 Semester Chemistry
SCI271/SCI272 Anatomy & Physiology
SCI331/SCI332 Honors Physics
SCI602 Forensics
SOC121/SOC122 Advanced Placement Human Geography

ELM courses that may count toward a variety of graduation requirements:

ELM101/ELM102 Multilingual Newcomer
ELM201/ELM202 Multilingual Beginning
ELM301/ELM302 Multilingual Intermediate
ELM401/ELM402 Multilingual Advanced