Course Offerings for Grade 9
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Grade 9 (Class of 2029)
Ninth grade students must select at least six courses each semester (12 courses for the school year). There are seven class periods each semester, so up to 14 courses may be selected. Study halls are scheduled for any open period. Please see course descriptions for graduation requirements and prerequisites.
ENGLISH (7 credits required for graduation)
Must choose one of the following year-long courses:
ENG121/ENG122 English 1-2
ENG131/ENG132 Honors English 1-2
SPEECH (1 credit required for graduation)
May choose the following semester-long course:
ENG153 Speech
MATHEMATICS (6 credits required for graduation)
Must choose one of the following year-long courses:
MTH161/MTH162 Algebra I
MTH171/MTH172 Geometry
MTH181/MTH182 Honors Geometry
MTH281/MTH282 Honors Algebra II
PHYSICAL SCIENCE (2 credits required for graduation)
Must choose one of the following year-long courses:
SCI081/SCI082 PS9 Chemistry/PS9 Physics
SCI091/SCI092 Honors PS9 Chemistry/Honors PS9 Physics
LIFE SCIENCE (2 credits required for graduation)
May choose the following year-long course if also selecting Honors PS9 Chemistry and Honors PS9 Physics
SCI141/SCI142 Honors Biology
WELLNESS (4 credits required for graduation; one semester each year)
Must choose one of the following semester-long courses:
PED153 Health Club Fitness
PED159 Water Fitness & Games (Hempstead Only)
PED162 Active Games & Fitness Class
PED163 Performance PE
PED164 Advanced Performance PE
PED171 Early Bird Wellness *
PED180 Officiating I
PED181 Officiating II
PED902 Athletic Exemption **
* full schedule both semesters required
** participation in two sports and Athletic Exemption Form required
May choose one of the following year-long courses that count as elective credits:
WFR111/WFR112 French 1-2
WGE131/WGE132 German 1-2
WSP181/WSP182 Spanish 1-2
ELECTIVES (13 credits required for graduation)
Courses that fulfill Elective requirement:
ART113 Art 2D: Drawing & Painting
ART114 Art 3D: Ceramics (Clay) & Sculpture
ART115 Digital Art 1
BUS111 Introduction to Business
BUS121 Computer Essentials
BUS503/BUS504 IJAG 9-10
ENG163 Theatre
ENG164 Advanced Theatre
ENG359 Journalism
FCS125 Nutrition and Food Preparation
FCS303 Introduction to Teaching
FCS304 Introduction to Child Development
FCS305 Interpersonal Relationships/Studies
HTH101 Health I
HTH102 Health II
INT115 Engineering Drafting and Design I
INT117 Woodworking
INT123 Manufacturing
INT223 Small Engine Repair
INT323 Electricity/Electronics
INT332 Metals
INT385 Construction I
INT387 Construction II
INT401 Engineering I
INT402 Engineering II
INT413 Engineering Drafting and Design II
INT433 Architectural Design
ISS121 Multimedia
ISS131 Computer Science Principles I
ISS132 Computer Science Principles II
ISS231/ISS232 Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles
ISS411 Troubleshooting
MUS111/MUS112 Band
MUS121/MUS122 Jazz Band
MUS131/MUS132 Orchestra
MUS151/MUS152 Percussion Ensemble
MUS162 Color Guard
MUS191/MUS192 Chorale
MUS571/MUS572 Ambassador Singers
MUS811 Modern Band Technique & Tech 1
MUS812 Modern Band Technique & Tech 2
SOC121/SOC122 Advanced Placement Human Geography
TSC100 Freshman Seminar
ELM courses that may count toward a variety of graduation requirements:
ELM101/ELM102 Multilingual Newcomer
ELM201/ELM202 Multilingual Beginning
ELM301/ELM302 Multilingual Intermediate
ELM401/ELM402 Multilingual Advanced