Introductory Pages

In this section:

  • Letter from the Principals
  • Notice of Non-Discrimination

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Letter from the Principals

Welcome Students!

The Dubuque Community School District takes great pride in being able to offer students a wide variety of challenging academic courses at Dubuque Senior High School, Stephen Hempstead High School and Dubuque Online High School. The course guide provides information about graduation requirements, course offerings, college requirements, academic opportunities, and various grading issues.

As students plan for life during and after high school, it is crucial that they select appropriate and challenging courses. Each student should review and discuss the different course offerings with parents/guardians. In addition to parents/guardians, we encourage students to discuss course offerings with their current teachers, counselor, and representatives from post-secondary institutions they may consider attending. Only after careful consideration of each student’s long range educational plan should courses be selected for the 2025-2026 school year. We believe that careful planning will develop world class leaders and citizens of character.

We encourage all students to give thoughtful consideration to their course selections. The results of the course selection process directly impact the courses that will be offered for the 2025-2026 school year and will determine your schedule.

Brian Howes
Principal, Dubuque Senior High School

Julia Jorgensen
Principal, Stephen Hempstead High School

Valerie Loewenberg
Principal, Dubuque Online High School

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Please see Non-Discrimination/Civil Rights Statements webpage.