Requirements + Selection

In this section:

  • Graduation Requirements
  • Course Selection Information
    • How to Use the Course Guide
    • Course Requests
    • Competent Private Instruction
  • Schedule and Course Request Changes

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Graduation Requirements

To be eligible to receive a diploma from the Dubuque Community School District, a student must complete the 44 credit requirements shown below.

Discipline Required Courses Credits
English English 7
Speech 1
Math Mathematics 6
Science Physical Science 2
Life Science 2
Earth/Space Science 2
Social Studies World History 2
U.S. History 2
Government 1
Behavioral Science 1
Wellness Wellness 4
Financial Literacy Financial Literacy 1
Electives Electives 13

Each credit is equivalent to one semester of 90 days for five day/week courses or ½ Carnegie unit.

Prior to graduation, all students must demonstrate competency in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation as required by the State of Iowa.

Ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade students are required to be enrolled in a minimum of six class periods per semester while attending Dubuque Community High Schools. Students enrolled in grade twelve may take fewer than six class periods if they are on schedule to complete minimum graduation requirements.

Students participating in athletics, music, theatre or speech activities must take a minimum of four classes in the semester prior to and during the activity to be eligible for participation.

Credits earned beyond a graduation requirement are automatically counted as elective credits. An option to meet graduation requirements based on the Essential Elements of the Iowa Common Core is available to students with the most significant disabilities.

Refer to the high school student handbook for early graduation requirements.

Course Selection Information


Review the graduation requirements and your graduation progress screen in Infinite Campus. Consult the list of courses that are offered for your grade. To find out more about any course, read the course descriptions. Courses in the course guide are arranged numerically by the graduation requirement they fulfill. Refer to the Index to find a complete course list arranged by course name. If you have already fulfilled a graduation requirement, the course credit is automatically awarded for elective credit. The course descriptions are written to give you a general idea about the learning goals of each course. Content and delivery methods can vary.

The course codes are listed below each course name. If the course is a year course, you must select both course codes to enroll in both semesters. If the course is one semester long, selecting one course code will enroll you in the complete course. If you have any questions about which course number to select, please ask your counselor. Included with each course description is information about the length of the course. A year course is two semesters long, meets five days each week, and results in two credits towards graduation. A semester course meets for one semester only and results in one credit. Courses that meet fewer than five days each week are awarded credit based on how many days they meet.

NCAA approval is indicated below the course length information. NCAA approval for courses should be taken into consideration by students anticipating participation in intercollegiate athletics at an NCAA Division I or Division II institution in the future.

Each course description explains which students are eligible to request the course and describes any prerequisites that must be met before a student may enroll. Student course requests will be reviewed by counselors and administration. If a student does not meet the enrollment requirements, course requests will be adjusted.


Instructions to request your 2025-2026 courses in Infinite Campus will be distributed through the counseling and registrar offices. If you need assistance completing your course requests online, please make an appointment with your school counselor. You will be able to print out a copy of the courses you have requested once you complete your selections online.


Competent Private Instruction (home schooling) students may dually enroll to participate in high school academic classes and activities.

Schedule and Course Request Changes


Attempts will be made to offer all courses described in this course guide. However, low enrollment courses may be cancelled or may be scheduled only in alternate semesters or years. In those cases, students will be contacted to select alternative courses.


Staffing and scheduling decisions are made based on student course requests, therefore schedule changes are limited to approved course level changes or when dropping or adding a class as described above. Schedules are not changed to schedule a class in a different period, change elective choice, or change instructor.

Refer to the high school student handbook for information on dropping/adding courses.