About Kuder Navigator
Kuder Navigator is the district’s career information system that helps students explore and prepare for various options after high school. This online system combines research-based assessment, portfolio development, education and occupation exploration and planning, and workforce preparation.
Starting in middle school, students take assessments to discover their interests, skills and work values that are matched up to career clusters, pathways and occupations.
Assessments include:
- Career Interests Assessment helps students discover career interests by measuring the everyday activities they enjoy most.
- Skills Confidence Assessment is a highly reliable self-estimate of a student’s ability to perform work-related tasks.
- Work Values Inventory is provided at the high school level and helps students determine which work characteristics and features of occupations they deem most important.
The system aligns student assessment results with career clusters and pathways in rank order, promoting occupation exploration with the greatest opportunity for satisfaction and success.
Parents play an important role in their student’s career development and Kuder Navigator offers many resources and tips to support their involvement. The system provides parents their own account to review their student’s assessment results, education plans, and more.
Kuder Navigator, the district’s career information system, helps students explore and prepare for various options after high school. Students take assessments beginning in middle school that identifies their interests, skills and work values that are matched up to career clusters, pathways and occupations. Learn more about Kuder Navigator and how it is used in the district.
Students login to Kuder Navigator through the Clever Portal.
Students can generate a Parent Access Code from their Navigator account that parents use to establish a parent account.
View instructions on how to set up a parent account.
The Future Ready Iowa website directly connects students to tools for finding education, training and jobs beyond high school. It uses Labor Market Information to identify the number of jobs, the average median income and what training is required within a geographically determined distance.
Christa Burgess
Hempstead High School
Rochelle Morgan
Senior High School
Natalie Nemmers
Dubuque Online School