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What's New at Dubuque Community Schools

Shout Out: Tom Averkamp

Always ready to share a laugh, Tom Averkamp has worked in the Dubuque Community School District for over 30 years and wish him well as he begins his retirement. Here’s a #dcsdshoutout to Tom for his many years of service to our schools.

Shout Out: Tom Averkamp

Proposed 2016-2017 School Calendar Posted for Feedback

The Dubuque Community School District has released its proposed calendar for the 2016-17 school year. We invite you to view the proposed calendar by clicking the link below.

The first full day of school in the proposed calendar is August 23, with orientation programs being held on August 22. Given this start date, the last scheduled day of classes is May 26.

Similar to this year’s calendar, the draft calendar includes 1,100 hours, with a 20-hour contingency to cover weather-related late starts or early dismissals. Any late starts or early dismissals that would cause the total number of instruction hours to fall below 1,080 will be made up. Full days cancelled due to weather will be made up at the end of the year as they are currently.

View the calendar

‘School Speak’ to Discuss District Finances and Teacher Leadership, Dec. 19

The Dubuque Community School District will host a “School Speak” event at 8 a.m. on Saturday, December 19, at the district’s administrative offices at 2300 Chaney Road.

The forum, designed to provide additional opportunities for conversation between administrators and community members, will include short presentations on district finances and the district’s teacher leadership initiatives.

Dec 19
‘School Speak’ Forum
December 19, 8:00 AM – District Administrative Offices, 2300 Chaney Road

Read More about “‘School Speak’ to Discuss District Finances and Teacher Leadership, Dec. 19”

‘School Speak’ Forum

Student Artwork Featured in Digital Fringe

The December edition of Digital Fringe, an online gallery of student art in the Dubuque Community School District, is now live!

View the Elementary School Gallery

View the Middle and High School Gallery

This gallery is a way to highlight the remarkable products of art education in the district. It’s a digital attempt at bringing the work of our student artists at all levels into your home – because art is created for others to take in.

STEM Grant to Support Redesigned Learning Environment

The STEM Council invests in the school district’s business-education partnership

The Iowa Governor’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Advisory Council recently invested in the Dubuque Community School District to help grow its STEM RLE (Redesigned Learning Environment) model in Iowa.

The district is one of 12 programs across the state to receive the $25,000 cost-matched grant, designed to transform typical K-12 classroom environments and methods to unite business and education while developing clear pathways from STEM education to STEM careers in the state. The grants were awarded to grow either a STEM RLE model or a STEM BEST (Businesses Engaging Students and Teachers Model), both developed in 2014 to serve as examples of business-education partnerships.

Read More about “STEM Grant to Support Redesigned Learning Environment”