Health + Wellness

In this section:

  • Administration of Medication at School
  • Communicable and Infectious Diseases
  • Hawk-I Insurance for Children
  • Health / Dental / Vision Screening
  • Lead Screening
  • Hearing Screening
  • Health Assessment
  • Physical Examinations
  • Concussion Law
  • Immunizations
  • Wellness
  • Health Education Program for Students
  • Student Illness or Injury at School

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Want to learn more about a health and wellness topic? The Dubuque Community School District website contains more detailed information concerning health and wellness in our schools.

See page:

Administration of Medication at School

ALL medications, over-the-counter as well as prescribed (see Exceptions), will require written and dated authorization from the parent or guardian AND a legal prescriber (physician, dentist, podiatrist, advanced registered nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or another healthcare provider authorized to legally prescribe medications). A “Request for Medication to be Given at School” form shall be filled out and signed by both the legal prescriber and the parent/guardian.

  • Prescription medication must be in the original containers with the pharmacy label attached. Over-the-counter medications must also be in the original containers.
  • Parents should bring their child’s medication to the school’s Health Office or have it delivered by the pharmacy. The majority of pharmacies will deliver medications to the school for free. If the medication is sent with your child, please call the Health Office and notify us, and tell us the amount you are sending.
  • Students are only allowed to take medication in school when it is administered by the school nurse/qualified personnel in the health office.
  • If medication is required to be self-administered for asthma or airway constriction, the Consent Form “Asthma or Airway Constricting Medical Self-administration Consent” is to be used.
  • If other alternative provisions are necessary for medication administration, they must be made through the school nurse.
  • “Request for Medication to be given at School” forms are only good for the current school year.
  • No medication will be kept at school through the summer months. Any medication left will be discarded.

FORM 16: Request for Medication to Be Given at School
The form is available at the back of this handbook, in the school health offices, and at

FORM 19: Asthma or Airway Constricting Medication Self-administration Consent
The form is available at the back of this handbook, in the school health offices, and at

Exception Only for Middle and High Schools (Administration of Medication)

Acetaminophen (ie, Tylenol) and ibuprofen (ie, Motrin) may be administered by the School Nurse or authorized staff member with parental or guardian consent based on student self-referral. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may give consent during the annual registration verification process, in writing to the school health office or by email to the school health office. Students may receive up to 5 doses, after which the School Nurse will assess the student and contact parent or guardian to determine if medical referral is needed before any more doses can be given. Furthermore, based on the assessment findings, a school nurse may refuse to administer either medication regardless of number of doses given until parent obtains written permission of licensed healthcare provider via a medication release form/order or can determine if appropriate to administer medication regardless of number of doses given.


Sunscreen is considered an OTC (over-the-counter) by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Students will be allowed to carry sunscreen supplied by the parent/guardian/student and self-apply without written permission. School staff may apply sunscreen to students if they will be exposed to the sun for 30 minutes or more during the school day. If a parent/guardian does NOT want school staff to apply sunscreen at any time during the school day, they must notify the school office of their request.

Communicable and Infectious Diseases

Students with a communicable or infectious disease, as defined by the State Department of Health, may be able to attend school without creating a risk of transmission of the illness or other harm to the students or the employees per guidance of the local or state health department. If there is a questions about whether a student should be attending school, please contact the school health office, district health services, or your healthcare provider. Infectious or communicable disease include, but are not limited to, whooping cough (pertussis), mumps, chicken pox, and measles.

HAWK-I Insurance for Children

Parents can apply for low-cost health insurance for their children through the state’s Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (HAWK-I) program. Children, birth to 19, who meet certain criteria, are eligible. The coverage includes doctor’s visits, hearing services, dental care, prescription, immunizations, physical therapy, vision care, speech therapy and hospital services to name a few. Parents are urged to call 800/257-8563 (toll free), or go to the website at for more information, or ask their school nurse.

Health, Dental and vision Screening

Health Screenings

Throughout the year, the school district health services provides health screening for vision and hearing for identified students in grades PK-12. Dental screenings are provided for students in kindergarten and grade 9 if they have not had a dental screening and returned the dental certificate (see FORM 6).
Parents/Guardians of kindergarten and 9th grade students who have not submitted a certificate of dental screening will be notified indicating the date(s) the screenings will take place at school. Students will be automatically screened on the date(s) indicated unless parent/guardian notifies school health office stating that they do not want their student screened.

Dental Certificate of Screening

The State of Iowa requires that all kindergarten and 9th grade students have a dental screening and submit a certificate of the dental screening to the school office. All out-of state transfer students, at any grade level, entering elementary or high school are also required to have a dental screening. For an elementary school student, a screening that is done between the ages of 3-6 years old is acceptable.
More information can be found at the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services website at

FORM 6: Certificate of Dental Screening
The form is available at the back of this handbook, in the school health offices, and at It may also be available at your dental office.

Vision Certificate of Screening

Iowa Department of Public Health Child Vision Screening

  1. Parents or guardians need to make sure their child has a vision screening at least once before starting kindergarten and again before starting 3rd Grade.
  2. Kindergarten Screenings: A screening will be counted if it is done no earlier than 1 year before and no later than 6 months after school starts.
  3. 3rd Grade Screenings: A screening will be counted if it is done no earlier than 1 year before and no later than 6 months after school starts.
  4. The requirement for a child vision screening will count by any of the following:
    1. A vision screening or comprehensive eye exam by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist or optometrist).
    2. A vision screening conducted at a doctor’s office, a free clinic, a childcare center, a local public health department, a public or accredited nonpublic school, or a community-based organization or by an advanced registered nurse practitioner or physician assistant.
    3. A vision screening done by Prevent Blindness Iowa volunteers or IowaKidSight and Lion’s Club Volunteers.
  5. The child vision screening requirement does not apply if the child vision screening conflicts with a parent’s or guardian’s genuine and sincere religious belief.
  6. A child will not be withheld from school because a parent or guardian did not provide proof that the child received a vision screening.

Please direct questions regarding vision screening to the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services at 800/972-2017.

NOTE: Kindergarten and third-grade students in the Dubuque Community School District are provided a vision screening at school in the fall, which fulfills this requirement. If you wish to have a screening by another provider, please have the Certificate of Vision Screening completed and returned to school.

FORM 10: Certificate of Vision Screening
The form is available at the back of this handbook, in the school health offices, and at

Lead Screening

The Iowa Department of Public Health recommends that all children have a blood test before entering kindergarten or soon after the parents are notified that a screening is needed. The department will provide the Dubuque Community School District with a list of students and families to follow up with in order to ensure that lead testing occurs if needed. More information can be found at the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services website at

Hearing Screening

Keystone Area Education Agency will provide routine, no-cost hearing screenings for special-education preschool students; all students in grades kindergarten, 1, 2 and 7; any student with known hearing loss; and any student refereed for testing. Students not included in these groups may request. Screening by contacting the school nurse. Parents will receive the results of the hearing screening. Families will receive the results of the hearing screening once completed.

Health Assessment

For students new to the Dubuque Community School District, health assessment questions are included in the new student enrollment application. These questions are also included in the annual registration verification process completed each year by all students in the Dubuque Community School District.

Physical Examinations

Parents are encouraged to have their children receive periodic physical examinations. By Iowa law, students enrolling in preschool and kindergarten are required to have a completed Physical Examination on file with the district. Students will not be allowed to attend school until the form is submitted to the District Enrollment Office.

FORM 7: Physical Examination – Infant, Toddler, Preschool Age (including Kindergarten entry) Child Health Form
The form is available at the back of this handbook, in the school health offices, and at

Every year, all students who participate in IHSAA/IGHSAU athletics (grades 7-12) are required by Iowa law to have a current physical examination by a licensed healthcare provider. Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, the Iowa Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination includes a Medical History Questionnaire (p1-2), Physical Examination (p3) and Medical Eligibility Form (p4). ONLY the Medical Eligibility Form (p4) is required to be on file at the school for athletic participation. DO NOT RETURN the Medical History Questionnaire (p1-2) OR Physical Examination (p3) to the school activities office. The parent/guardian may retain a copy of these pages for their records, as well as the healthcare provider who performs the physical examination. These pages are NOT REQUIRED to be on file at the school for athletic participation and should only be given to the school health office for medical purposes. Physicals are valid for 12 months from the date of the last exam. A grace period, not to exceed thirty (30) days, is allowed for expired physical examinations.

FORM 12: Student-Athlete Registration Packet
The packet is available at the back of this handbook, in the school activities offices, and at

Concussion Law

The Iowa Legislature passed a law that went into effect on July 1, 2011 regarding concussions in students in grades 7-12 who participate in extracurricular interscholastic activities. All students who participate in interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, or dance along with their parents/guardians must sign that they have received the fact sheet entitled “HEADS UP: Concussion in High School Sports.”

FORM 12: Student-Athlete Registration Packet
The packet is available at the back of this handbook, in the school activities offices, and at


Prior to starting school or when transferring into the school district, students must present an immunization certificate signed by a healthcare provider stating that the student has received the immunizations required by law. Students without the proper certificate are not allowed to attend school until they receive the immunizations or if they are in the process of obtaining needed immunizations. Only for specific medical or religious purposes are students exempt from the immunization requirements. Immunization certificates are available for download at

The State of Iowa requires all students entering the seventh grade and born on or after September 15, 2000 to receive a one-time dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine. This must be completed before students enter seventh grade. The state also requires meningococcal (a, c, w, y) vaccine for students enrolling in 7th and 12th grades starting in the 2017-2018 school year in addition to other vaccination requirements.

FORM 8: Certificate of Immunization
The form is available at the back of this handbook, in the school health offices, and at


We are dedicated to ensuring that your child is not only safe at school and healthy, but we will work with you to guide your child(ren) on a path of total wellness.

Children of all ages must be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy to enhance learning. Dubuque school nurses promote the health and safety of our students and staff in school, at home, and in the community. As a school district, we are dedicated to increasing health knowledge, attitudes and skills, increasing positive health behaviors and health outcomes, improving education outcomes, and improving social outcomes.

Health services will identify and promote the use of resources for developing school health policies and for assessing and planning school health programs.

The District has a Local Wellness Policy Committee that consists of parents, students, school food service administration, school board members, school administrators, nurses, physical education teachers, and community members. This committee will continue to promote healthy lifestyles, review and measure implementation, and evaluate the district local wellness policy.

Health Education Program for Students

The Dubuque Community School District provides instruction in compliance with the Iowa Department of Education Human Growth and Development and Health Education requirements for grades K-12 based on age-appropriate and research-based materials and resources.

A state law passed in 1989 requires the school district to provide you with the above information. The law also states that “a pupil shall not be required to take instruction in human growth and development if the pupil’s parent or guardian files with the appropriate principal a written request that the pupil be excused from the instruction. Notification that the written request may be made shall be included in the information provided by the school district.

To request that your child(ren) be excluded from a particular health topic, complete the Wellness Curriculum Student Exclusion form.

FORM 11: Wellness Curriculum Student Exclusion
The form is available at the back of this handbook, in the school health offices, and at

Therefore, if you wish to inspect any health materials prior to their use in your child’s classroom, please contact the principal’s office at your school to arrange a scheduled time when you can review them. There are many concerns in today’s society about health and safety, particularly as it pertains to the future health and safety of our children. We recognize the important role of parents in this challenge. It is our hope that we can assist you in meeting that challenge so that our children can realize a healthy and safe future.

Hannah Porcic, Lead Nurse
Joe Maloney, Director of Activities and Athletics

Student Illness or Injury at School

A student who becomes ill or is injured at school must notify his or her teacher or another employee as soon as possible. In the case of a serious illness or injury, the school shall attempt to notify the parents/guardians with the phone numbers on file at school. If no one is available by phone and the condition is or has the potential to become life threatening, the school personnel will call 9-1-1. If the student is too ill to remain in school, the student will be released to the student’s parents/guardian or, with parental permission, to another person directed by the parents/guardians.