
In this section:

  • Dubuque Community School District Transportation
  • City of Dubuque – The Jule Transit Division

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Dubuque Community School District Transportation

Transportation Department
1350 West Locust Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001-4112
P: 563/552-3275
F: 563/552-3274
Inclement Weather Line: 563/552-3035

Thank you for using our yellow buses! We sincerely hope your child(ren)’s bus rides to and from school will be enjoyable and safe. All bus students are expected to know our School Bus Safety and Security Guidelines and consequences if violations occur. The guidelines ensure the safety of our bus students, drivers, and attendants. We sincerely appreciate your assistance in reviewing and discussing these guidelines with your child(ren). These guidelines and DCSD School Board Policy 5200 apply to all students transported in school vehicles. In regard to transportation in the district, here are some important terms to know:

Bus Stops
The location where the bus will pick-up and drop-off your child (stop or residence).

AM Pick-Up Time
This is the approximate time your child will be picked-up in the morning. The pick-up time is accurate to within 10 minutes. Your child needs to be at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. NOTE: Pick-up times may be affected by construction, traffic, weather, and students not riding.

AM Bus Number
This is the number of the bus that will pick-up your child in the morning.

AM Transfer Bus Number
Some children transfer buses on the way to and from school. If you receive an AM Transfer Bus Number, your child will transfer to this bus at a designated transfer point. Our drivers will teach children the bus transfer procedure. NOTE: Please do not bring or meet your child at a transfer point.

PM Transfer Bus Number
If you receive a PM Transfer Bus Number, your child will board this bus at school and transfer from this bus to the PM bus that will drop-off your child.

PM Bus Number
This is the number of the bus that will drop-off your child. NOTE: Students not boarding a transfer bus will board this bus at their school.

PM Drop-Off Time
This is the approximate time your child will be dropped-off after school.


Inclement Weather

Families will automatically receive a phone call and email alert from the district’s alert system in the event of a weather-related schedule change. Please do not call the Transportation Department for delays, cancellations, or early dismissals. Inclement weather information is always available on the district website ( and you can call the district’s Inclement Weather Line at 563/552-3035. Area radio/television stations also broadcast schedule changes.

Guidelines and Procedures

Elementary school students (K through 8) living two miles or more and secondary school students (9 through 12) living three miles or more from a designated attendance center will be furnished transportation or reimbursement. Students will be picked-up and dropped-off only at their assigned bus stop.

Families changing their address must notify the school. The school will notify the Transportation Department. The Transportation Department can only change a student’s transportation once we are notified by the school. Students still eligible for transportation will be notified of new bus information within 4-7 days. Families are responsible for transporting their child(ren) during this 4-7 day period.

Alternate Bus Stops (Temporary)

Families may request (in writing and three days in advance) an alternate bus stop on a temporary basis. The written request should be submitted to the school principal. Only emergency situations will be considered and must be on an existing route at a regular stop.

Alternate Bus Stops (Daily)

Alternate stops involving a childcare must be at an approved childcare site per Iowa Code 285.1 (22), which states it is a childcare facility that is “licensed by or registered with DHS or governed by the Department of Education.” This may include a childcare center, preschool, or registered child development home.

In order to permit an alternate stop due to childcare, all of the following criteria must be met:

  • The student is an elementary student defined by the state as grades K-8; or preschool student requiring specialized transportation.
  • The student attends a childcare facility; that is, a licensed childcare center, a preschool, or a registered child development home.
  • The residence of the student is more than two miles from the student’s attendance center.
  • The student’s childcare facility is more than two miles from the student’s attendance center in accordance with Iowa Code 285.1 (9).

Entitled Individuals: Special Education Students

Students required to wear a safety vest according to their Individual Education Program (IEP), must be wearing the vest before they board the school bus. Students will not be allowed to ride the bus without wearing the vest.

Students required to be met by a parent/guardian according to their IEP, must be met at the bus door or the child will be returned to their school.


Please call the Transportation Department if our school bus has not arrived at your stop within 15 minutes of the designated pick-up time. Again, pick-up times may be affected by construction, traffic, weather, and students not riding.

Families residing on dead-end roads or on roads requiring the bus to turn around are asked to call the Transportation Department whenever their child(ren) will not be riding the bus.

Seat Belts

Some Dubuque Community School District buses are now equipped with seat belts for passengers. If present, students must wear the seat belts while riding the bus. Students not wearing seat belts may have riding privileges suspended.

The School Bus Ride: Rights and Responsibilities

Every school bus passenger has the right to a safe and enjoyable ride that is free from intimidation, threat, or harassment.

The Dubuque Community School District has established student behavior rules that apply to all transported students. These rules apply while students are on the bus and while at the bus loading/unloading areas.

A student’s eligibility to ride the school bus may be suspended or revoked for a violation of school bus safety and security guidelines, school bus passenger rules, or for violation of any other law or policy governing conduct on a school bus. The removal of a student’s bus riding privileges is not considered to be a suspension or expulsion from school.

The safety of all school bus passengers is the number one priority for the district, bus drivers and paraprofessionals. Please contact the Transportation Department, if you have questions about these guidelines.


Parents/Guardians: Please read and review the following rules with your child(ren):

Passengers will:

  • Obey all bus rules.
  • Board and exit the bus at the assigned locations.
  • Stand at least 20 feet away from the roadway unless specifically directed otherwise by the driver or attendant.
  • Wait for the driver’s hand signal before proceeding to cross a road or street to either board or exit the bus.
  • Walk to buses (do not run) when they are loading or unloading.
  • Move toward the bus and board it only in the loading zone, after the bus has come to a complete stop.
  • Board buses in single file (pushing or shoving is not allowed).
  • Remain seated, face the front of the bus, and wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before standing up to exit.
  • Keep aisles clear at all times.
  • Use appropriate language and talk at a classroom-noise level (i.e. no profanity, hand gestures, yelling, screaming or distracting noises).
  • Follow the driver’s or attendant’s directions.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • Respect other students, adults, and property.
  • Keep the interior of the bus clean and free of litter.
  • Pay for vandalism damage to buses and other district property.

Passengers will not:

  • Distract drivers through misbehavior.
  • Open emergency exit doors or windows except in an emergency situation or when directed to do so by the driver or attendant.
  • Attempt to crawl under a bus for any reason.
  • Bully or harass other students.
  • Extort property (to obtain something from someone by force or threat).
  • Throw objects out of the windows.
  • Drink or eat on buses.
  • Smoke or vape on buses.
  • Bring weapons, dangerous objects, “look-a-likes,” or other items used as weapons to school, onto school grounds, to school events, or onto school vehicles.
  • Bring skateboards, snow sleds, trading cards, balloons, golf clubs, skis, snowboards, or animals on the bus.
  • Be permitted to transport large classroom projects or large musical instruments.

Passengers may use electronic games, media players, or cell phones on the bus. Headphones must be used on any device producing music or sound. The sound on electronic games must be turned off. The district assumes no responsibility for damaged, misplaced, or stolen items.

School Bus Safety Rules

  1. Follow adult directions. Speak to the bus driver only when the bus is stopped, unless it is an emergency.
  2. Stay seated and face forward. Wear your seatbelt, when available.
  3. Keep head, hands, feet and objects inside the bus, and to yourself.
  4. Use inside voice and school-appropriate language.
  5. Use technology appropriately. Use earbuds or headphones, avoid taking pictures/ videos, and make sure content is school appropriate.
  6. Leave no trace. Make sure anything you bring on the bus goes with you when you exit.

Rule Violation Consequences

Bus drivers and attendants are responsible for managing student behavior while students are on the bus or at DCSD loading and unloading areas. Families are responsible for loading and unloading at bus stops.

The driver or attendant may issue a verbal warning or change a passenger’s seat location if a rule violation occurs. A Bus Conduct Report will be written, and shared with parents/guardians and school (assistant) principals, if a student’s behavior is inappropriate. These reports are accumulated for the entire year. The driver or attendant will inform students of the reason for any report.

Appeal Process: An appeal process exists for students in the administration of consequences and interventions. Please see school board policy #5200 for more information.

City of Dubuque – The Jule Transit Division

The Jule
950 Elm Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001
P: 563/589-4196

The Jule is the transit division of the City of Dubuque, providing public transit services throughout the city with its fixed-route, paratransit and trolley services. 16 daytime fixed routes provide bus service to most areas in the city limits and paratransit (door to door) service is provided for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. Service areas include shopping, entertainment, community services, employment and education destinations with most trip times around 30 minutes.

Service Hours

Monday – Friday 4:45 a.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Fares for Students (grades K-12)

$0.75/ride if paying cash

FREE if using School Student ID, Annual Student Pass “My Jule” mobile app (free to download) or Jule Smart Pass card ($1.00 fee for a new card, $5.00 fee for a replacement card)

For more information or to apply for the Annual Student Pass, visit

Passenger Code of Conduct

The Jule’s Passenger Code of Conduct was developed to help ensure a safe work environment for all drivers and a safe ride for passengers. Passengers are expected to follow the rules below.

  1. The driver is the authority on the bus. Passengers must comply with all instructions given by the Jule bus drivers.
  2. A valid pass or cash payment is required. Drivers do not make change.
  3. Priority seating is provided by the door for seniors & people with disabilities.
  4. Threatening or intimidating behavior towards riders or operators is prohibited.
  5. Excessive noise & offensive words are not allowed. Passengers must speak at a reasonable volume so individual conversations do not disrupt other riders.
  6. Personal items may not block the aisle/doorway. Your hands & other objects should be kept to yourself, under your control & inside the bus.
  7. Except for service animals, all animals must be kept in a closed carrier while on the bus.
  8. Eating or drinking on the bus is not allowed. Food or drink transported on the bus must be in a sealed container.
  9. Smoking is prohibited on buses & in or near bus shelters.
  10. The Jule is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
  11. The following items are prohibited on buses/in shelters: explosive devices, knives, weapons, drugs or other controlled substances, laser pointers, matches, lighters & objects that jeopardize the safety of passengers.
  12. Children under 5 must be accompanied by a responsible adult & removed from strollers/carriers & held by guardian or placed in a bus seat.

Violations of the Passenger Code of Conduct can result in immediate removal from the bus or suspension from public transit services, depending on the severity of the infraction. The Jule staff will coordinate discipline measures with the student’s principal and parents/guardians. The standard suspension structure is below:

  • First Incident: 2 week suspension from public transit services
  • Second Incident: 30 day suspension from public transit services
  • Third Incident: Suspension from public transit services for the remainder of the school year